Chapter 1

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Stevie P.O.V
"Ally can you get me a drink out of the fridge?"
"Yea, whatever Stevie" Ally fires back. I just say "thanks" and get back to trying to figure out who hacked her Twitter. What an idiot. I hope I'm not next. I've created so many memories over the years that I can't imagine just completely vanishing because of some stupid stalker or someone of the sort.. Anyways, Ally has been acting super weird lately. Probably because of the breakup. Well, actually.. I know it is. I just had to break it off, though. Her and I had been fighting a lot and she tried making up for it by taking me out to dinner. We'd fight over stupid things. Like who cleaned the litter box last or who didn't wash the dishes. It's the little things that pissed me off. I kept telling her how easily I got pissed throughout the whole relationship but she'd hardly ever listen. However, there still were things I loved about her. Yes, too many things to even count. I loved her smile, her body, the fact that she always stared at me (because I could always see her smirking at the corner of my eye), and the way she held me every night. Even though she's shorter than I am, she was always the big spoon. I just loved the way she held me. It reassured me that everything was going to be okay now that I have my "penguin" holding me and never letting me go. But instead, I was a fool and let her go...

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