Chapter 4

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Alice ventured to the outskirts of the Queen of Hearts' castle. "A queen must always be served," muttered Alice. The card guards pointed their spears at her. Alice took out her Vorpal Blade and killed them. As she entered the castle, more guards came. Alice grabbed her croquet mallet and hit every guard as they disappeared. Alice finally made it to the Queen's throne room. The Queen of Hearts was sitting on her throne, but it was actually an illusion. The castle itself is one living being and the Queen is the brain. Everything on the castle was connected. The Queen greeted, "Ah, Alice! Welcome. Sorry about my guards. They weren't exactly...updated on the situation. Let's get up to speed." Alice looked at her strangely. Since when was the Queen this friendly and jovial? She did wonder though, why does the Queen remind her of someone? The Queen led her to the dungeon. As they were walking, the Queen said, "Since Dr. Harleen Quinzel helped you recover your sanity, Alixe was meant to be forever locked up in the dungeon. We didn't think that Scarecrow's fear toxin would be in the equation." Alice said, "I know this is a bit off topic, but I must know, why are you so friendly to me? We were enemies and unlikely allies." The Queen sighed, "Back then, I wasn't myself, but now I hope to make amends, my little sis." Alice's eyes widen as she asked, "Lizzie?" The Queen smiled as Alice rushed forward and hugged her. Lizzie hugged her back as Alice started to cry. The Cat appeared as he said impatiently, "I hate to cut a precious family reunion, but we have to focus on saving Wonderland." Alice sighed as she let go and wiped her tears. Lizzie said, "When Scarecrow's fear toxin was infused into you, Alice, it set Alixe free. Alixe, as you probably already know, is your opposite. She set some of your most dangerous enemies free and transformed my dungeon into that of the Arkham Asylum. Except heart themed." Alice replied, "Then I will have no problem with getting lost." "Just be careful, Alice. Alixe even has the Jabberwock under her stead," warned Lizzie. Alice smirked, "Then they're about to take their shot." She turned to see Lizzie and hugged her again. Then Alice let go and ventured down to the dungeon. The Cat looked at Lizzie and said, "I am still not going to forgive you for killing me." Lizzie rolled her eyes and said, "You know as well as I do I wasn't myself at the time!" The Cat shook his head and disappeared. "So typical," muttered Lizzie to herself. Meanwhile, Alice ran down to a section that looked like the main hallway of the asylum. She found the Mock Turtle and Bill McGill. The Mock Turtle seemed to be sobbing and Bill was getting very uncomfortable. Alice came forward and asked, "What's all this then? Did someone die? Have you lost your family?" "No, my shell!" cried the Mock Turtle. "The Duchess stole it and tried to eat me for lunch! Nobility must be served after all..." Alice rolled her eyes and snapped, "Stop that wailing, won't you?" The Mock Turtle frowned, "You're very cold blooded for a mammal. I was almost soup." Alice replied, "Tragic, I'm sure, but I'm a bit pressed for time. Have you seen someone that looks like me?" The Mock Turtle thought and said, "Hmm. Covered in red blood, crazed look in her eyes... Constantly laughs like a madwoman. Most peculiar person." "Well, I must stop her before she harms anyone most dear to me," replied Alice. "I must find her." The Cheshire Cat appeared and said, "Before you go after Alixe, you must face the Duchess first." The Mock Turtle spoke up, "I know where this 'Alixe' is, but I couldn't divulge the secret. I couldn't risk telling you, without... something in return." Alice sighed, "Risk nothing, gain nothing." "Her whereabouts then, for my shell," agreed the Mock Turtle. "The Duchess won't part with it willingly." Alice stated, "Then she must do it unwillingly. I'll teach her manners." The Mock Turtle admired, "You are brave. But I warn you, she treats everything like prey!" Bill sighed, "The more you find his shell, the more I won't have to hear his moping!" Bill went one way as the Mock Turtle opened a door that had a river that reminded Alice of the Vale of Tears. A giant leaf fell on the water and the Mock Turtle hopped on and he floated away. Another one fell and Alice hopped on and floated away. This river looked just like the Vale of Tears, but also had television screens. Then they turned on and to Alice's shock, she saw her twin. Her opposite. Alixe. She looked just like her, except Alixe's brown hair was covered in blood, wore a red dress, white apron soaked with blood, scarred smile and scarred forehead. Then Alixe said, "Oh, no-no-no! Heads up, Alice! No fair hiding your eyes on the ghost train!" Alice's eyes narrowed in confusion. Alixe smiled, "Oh, I know... you're confused. Who wouldn't be? You're in a hell of a situation! Can't say I blame you though, not when the bowl of cherries some call life turned out to be the pits of hell. But you know, always remember this... Music, Dee." Then Alixe starting singing, "When the world is full of care and every headline screams despair, when all is rape, starvation, war, and life is vile... Then there's a certain thing I do which I shall pass along to you, that's always guaranteed to make me smile. I go looney as a lightbulb battered bug. Simply looney, sometimes foam and chew the rug! Sister, life is swell in a padded cell, it'll chase those blues away... You can trade your gloom for a rubber room and injections twice a day! Just go looney, like an acid casualty, or a moony, or a preacher on TV. When the human race wears an anxious face, when the bomb hangs overhead, when your kid turns blue, it won't worry you, you can smile and nod instead! When you're looney, then you just don't give a fig. Man's so puny, and the universe so big! If you hurt inside, get certified, and if life should treat you bad, don't get even, get mad! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

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