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You are not a man,
And no longer are you a child,
A man is of gentle nature that becomes of beastly nature when threat arises,
A child is also of gentle nature but meekly hides when danger permits itself to be seen,
You have no gentle nature, only greed and sin, and so you are truly a demon.
Though your eyes glow with rich earthly tones, that speak of kindness,
I see them as what they are, they are red with a hazy sickness, they are tainted black with a soul-less envy,
You can not take what is not yours, nor can you be given a gift you are undeserving of,
And your sickly eyes caress that of which is neither yours nor a gift,
Do not threaten me, for despite my unmanliness I will fight to protect,
And despite you seeming as a delicate blossom, I see your tainted evil, you lurk in the shadow of your own smile,
And I smile back, with pity, for you shall never be loved in the way you wish if you treat all people as such, as you have treated me.

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