
395 4 0

James Yammouni

After an especially frustrating day of work you slip into your apartment expecting to plop down in bed immediately. However, when you step inside you see the lights are dim and you smell the stove. A pair of arms circles your waist from behind, and your boyfriend James places a small kiss on the back of your ear and trails down your neck. You smile, even knowing there'll be a small hickey on the base of your throat.

"According to Facebook, you're not having a good day?" He says softly and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. You sigh. "I'm here to change that. I'm making dinner." You chuckle.

"You're adorable. Thank you." You turn around and place a gentle kiss on his lips. He leads you to the sofa and brings you a plate of spaghetti with a shy grin. You and he both know that's all he knows how to make. He slides down next you, wrapping his arms around you. You push the pasta around the plate for a bit. You don't feel much like eating.

"Do you not want it?" He sounds disappointed. A mischievous smirk crosses your face and you put the plate on the coffee table.

"Of course. I just want to...express my gratitude first." Both of you giggle a bit before you wrap your arms around his neck. He lolls backwards, pulling you on top of him into another embrace. You feel him tugging lightly at the hem of your shirt so you lift up and allow him to pull it off. He kisses down your chest, lingering near the top of your bra. Underneath you, you feel his member grow hard.

"Fuck." He breathes heavily, is speeding heart rate in time with yours. You waste no time pushing his pants down with his help. You pick yourself up, straddling him and slip out of your pants. Lining him up with your entrance, you slide down with a ragged breath. He groans as you pick up speed. Soon you develop a rhythm and a chorus of moans escape between the two of you.

"[Y/N].." He repeats as he reaches his climax. You're reaching yours too and almost in the same moment the two of you come, riding it out together. And then it gets quiet while you catch your breath. "[Y/N]?" He whispers.

"Yeah?" You're laying on his chest, listening to his steadying heart beat.

"I love you."

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