Save Her: Jon Snow× Wildling

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Snow covered the ground where Jon Snow laid. The flesh had spilt on the snow as he looked to the sky with little hope on surviving this. But a certain wildling was in his mind when he was taking his final breaths.

"Y/N" He said as he waited for his death to finally arrive.

Jon had a secret wildling wife named (Y/N) whom was always close by. Her father was Mance Rayder, one of the former members of the Night's watch. Jon had lied to the watch claiming that she needed to be questioned by him personally after her father's death. This was all a show, in reality he was comforting her and assuring that their first born will be born.

However, they seemed to forget how clever Jon's rivals were. They easily found out that Jon Snow had brought his wife to the watch. This was one of the many reasons why they decided to kill Jon Snow as this was a sign of betrayal to the Watch.

Shortly afterword's, the watch had dragged the Wilding to her lovers corpse. Along the way, Allister Thorne was the one who had held onto her, she was too much for the other's. She was kicking and screaming the entire way there. She was well aware what had happened but she didn't want to face it. She didn't want to see what else the men had in store.

Thorne had grasped her neck from behind then pushed her back down to the snow. (Y/N) was lucky enough to hold onto her stomach before she had hit face first, inches away from her husband's face.

"See what we do to traitors?" Thorne had told her.

"You didn't do this for him betraying you..." (Y/N) hissed. She always had quite the mouth and the majority of the time, she didn't know how to stop it. She always found herself getting into trouble because of t.

"What was that you cow!?" He hissed as he then violently kicked her in the stomach, this time not being able to stop him from hurting the baby. "You need to give some respect if you are to live through the birth of this child! I know everything...(Y/N)

Then he picked her up as her (Y/E/C) eyes were eyeing the corpse. She felt the pain of her stomach, but she didn't say a single word. She knew that more pain would come if she did. Plus she was too distracted by her love's beauty even in death.

"How much longer am I going to live with this silence? Answer me!" He yelled in her ear as (Y/N) heard the blades of the men being drawn. She was weaponless and she knew that the men aren't going to stop hurting her until she responds. She didn't want to live, but she had a duty to raise a child without a father.

"ALRIGHT! It is nothing of your concern Thorne." (Y/N) said finally.

Thorne had turned the wildling's head to the side then glanced at two other men to take her away. " Take her to the cell. When she gives birth, bring her to me. I want to watch her as she leaves the gates."

(Y/N) spat in the man's face and there was only a small chuckle on his face.

"Or maybe if you keep this up, perhaps I will take you as my whore. You would like that Wildling wont you? A man who would really protect you from the cold winter"

The two other men had pulled her away then Thorne had kept his eyes on the Wildling as he was approached by Ser Davos.

Davos had his eyes onto him as he cleared his voice. " Is it wise for a woman to be out in the cold right after the death of her husband and the birth of her firstborn?"

"I consider it as being soft. Look at what Jon had done to this place! I don't think that we should be having a wildling bitch roaming around here without a husband.. let her people deal with her."

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