Letter One

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Dear Troye,

They said to write to you, that it would help. I don't trust them though I want to talk to you. I want to be mad at you for leaving, for ditching me in this pathetic world though every time I think about you, I just find myself crying. They yelled at me today, my therapists. They said I needed to ' get it into my thick little head that you were dead'. I don't want to forget you so I threw a glass of water at them and left.

Mom told me off though she always does nowadays. I got her to move out of the flat, I pretended to be happy. I don't know how to be happy anymore Troye. Maybe I do need help.

The fans are going crazy, they keep tweeting me. Some of them are nice though most of them are saying that I tried to kill you or that it was all my fault you died. And it was. I killed you. If I didn't call you, you wouldn't be like this.

I hate myself.

I keep clawing at my skin with my fingernails, I've got red lines all down my arms from it. Though whenever I think about you. I scratch harder because it's my fault you're gone. I'm always thinking about you.

Do you think about me?


Connor x 


Sequel! I'm so happy to be back and writing this book. Chapters will be really short as they are just letters and Connor isn't in a good head space at the moment. 

Love you all, 

Jorja x 

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