Enter, Naruto Uzumaki!

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~Naruto's POV~

My name is Naruto Uzumaki and I'm kind of in a gang. I know it sounds weird and doesn't make any sense but it's true. My parents don't like the idea of me hanging out with a gang.

I started hanging out with them after an incident a few months back. I was walking in the dark, as I often do, and I happened to cross into gang territory. I was unaware of this until I was suddenly surrounded by gang members, all armed with swords and knives.

"Hey there little kitty cat." A man with crazed eyes said. The rest of the members laughed and started making that noise you make to call a cat closer.

"Where's the kitty cat going at such an hour?" A stringy-red head asked. I had this weird feeling like these members weren't the only ones watching me and for some reason I felt safe.

"I'm just taking a walk to be out of the house. That's all." I said standing my ground. I had a pocket knife but I have a feeling that the little knife isn't going to last long against everyone.

"You're in gang territory kitty. You're in dangerous territories here." They all laugh and look over me.

"I didn't know. I'll make sure you leave. Sorry to intrude on your territory." I started to walk to leave but I was suddenly grabbed by a few people and restrained.

"No you don't kitty~. We want to play first!" They started closing in on my until a deep, monotone voice barked out.

"That's enough. Let him go immediately." The voice barked. I was immediately released and the people quickly moved away from me. I quickly look in the direction of the voice and saw a 5' 5" man with midnight black hair and dark blue eyes so dark they could be mistaken for black. He was muscular enough to be attractive.

He came up to me and stuck his hand out to me without making any kind of facial expression which was a bit weird but the feeling I got when he stared me was the same feeling I got when I felt an outside pair of eyes watching over me when the gang members circles me. Safe. Protected.

"You'll have to forgive them. They don't understand my orders just yet." He says as I take his hands that was offered to me. He helps me stand and I brush the dirt off the dirt on my clothes. "I told you idiots you were after one thing, but you instead decide to get this boy involved. I ought to kill all of you immediately." He snapped at the gang members who jolt and coward.

"B-But sir, we already did what you ordered us to do. All we were doing was-" the red-head started but was interrupted.

"You did not do as I ordered. I ordered you to return once finished, did I not?" Everyone nods silently. "Then you haven't done as I've ordered." I shiver at his harsh words that slithered off his tongue like a snake. He suddenly turned to me and looked me over. I'm not sure what he was looking for but all he was going to find was a scrawny little blond teen with three whisker-like marks on each cheek.

"Tell me your name." He suddenly said as he walks around me slowly. "And in return, I'll tell you mine." I hesitated. Even though the Uzumaki name never went to a gang, it went to a military force, lead by my father. The Uzumaki military had been shutting down gangs since the beginning of the Uzumaki Military. I feared if I spoke Uzumaki, I would be killed.

"Naruto." I say without speaking my last name. The raven raised his eyebrow curiously but shrugs it off.

"Sasuke." He says, also not giving his last name. It was only fair. I jolted as he spoke next to me. "Now tell me, Naruto, since I'm here, of what you want for such trouble my gang had caused you." I was a bit shocked but I pondered this for a while. A normal person would have asked for nothing and leave, never to enter the territory again. However, something was pulling me back to him when I thought of never returning.

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