Dance with Me

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//high school au + a lil bit of uni au into the mix //listen to the song and the english translation of this song.

"Right, this goes here and here. Bleh this. Add that and hell hath fury on us." Your best friend, Bianca said as the both of you tried to make a soap from all those chemicals in the Chemistry Lab.

You look up from the book. "Uh, Bee. I think thats the wrong chemical. It was suppose to be... Oh, you've add it. Welp."

"What?" Bianca makes a hurtful expression. "You're hurting my feelings ya' know." She then make a dramatic flair to her 'pain'. You rolled your eyes in playful way. Not the scary way.

Saved by the bell as the bell rang throughout Gibraltar High. Plus, it was break time, quite close to lunch time.

While you were in your thought, Bianca pulled to a poster. "Hey, (Name). Check this one." She montioned to said poster. You read it,"Prom, huh. Theme is... Red. Seven hells I'll be damn..."

You wanted to glare at your bestie but she has this Chesire's grin plastered onto your face. You narrowed your eyes. "What are you up to?"

"Ooh, a prom!" Lena whizzed by. "Got any dates yet?" She chirped. "Any lucky gents would love you two in their dance."

"Calm down, Lena." Hana place a hand onto Lena's shoulder. "(Name) and Bee just read it. No need be fussy about it." She continue to play her gameboy, the old version.

"Well, a dance is great way to take everyone's mind off." Angela piped in. She adjust her hands that was carrying the textbook.

"So, that means everyone got a guy to dance with?" Bianca was trying her best to comprehend what are they saying. "...No?"

You felt someone was staring at you, so you look left and right till your eyes meet someone. That someone was none other than Gabriel Reyes. He saw you looking at him and he quickly avert his eyes. You could saw the red hue slowly appearing from his cheeks. He's blushing, that's cute. Wait, what?

You turn to look to your friends, who are still talking about the dance and getting a guy to be their partner. Then, you remembered your files in your locker. "Bee, I'm going to my locker. Gonna get my World History files for Mr. Vargas."

"Got it, meet me where our usual spot." Bianca said. You nodded your head. The both of you went seperate ways, Bianca went with Lena, Hana and Angela. As for you, to the locker!

You grabbed the files and do a quick check, just in case if you miss some of them. Good, all of them are here. You shut the locker and was surprised that the Gabriel Reyes was leaning at the locker, who was beside you.

"Um, hi?" You break the awkward silence. Gabriel didn't do anything but gave you a note. It was folded and you were confused with it.

Since there a few students in the hall, Gabriel did the unthinkable. He gave you a kiss on the forehead. "I see you at prom." He said as he left you. Flustered at your locker. Quickly, you open the note. It read;

Solo te dejo, solo te deseo
Sin tu mirada, sigo

You didn't take Spanish Class but you take Italian because Feli wanted you to join him and how could you say no. Maybe I ask, Antonio? You thought of the Spainiard.

You manage to find the cheerful Spainiard and called him. "Ah, (Name), hola!" He greeted you.

"Toni, could you help me with this?" You gave him the note. "What does it mean?" You shuffled the files that you were carrying.

"Oh this? Let see..." Antonia scanned the words and read them. "It said; I only see you, I only want you. Without your glance, I go on. There, that should help you, no?"

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