Not Human

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//i like reaper as this ^^^^^

Black mist appeared from his coat as he, death had found another soul to send to the afterlife. The soul he sees, was pure and innocent. A remarkable meal to satisfy his hunger. His human hunger was there but the other self prefers human souls. It was the only way to make him stronger and immortal.

With the pull of the trigger, the person slumped forward, revealing the soul he crave for dealing whatever Talon gave him. He called them over his comms and told them to pick him and the rest of his men. His men didn't have any survivors nor injured. They knew what he was capable of. They knew that he wasn't human but in fact a monster, a dark shadow of the late Gabriel Reyes.

The slim jet black jet hovered at an unknown location. Reaper commanded his men to go there as he pluck a flower, a Gardenia flower. He tuck it in within his coat, letting the mist to preserve it. He looked up and followed his men. It was a mission success. Talon always let Reaper do their dirty work. As for Widowmaker, she was another story to tell.

The jet closed its bay door. It was a signal to everyone, a trip back to base. Except for Reaper, he had a trip back to his own base. It was a few hours when the jet landed at the Talon headquarters. His men poured out, they can't wait to talk to their friends and explain what happen in today's mission. Reaper was the last one. He walk the opposite direction. Using his wraith form, he went to his own place.

A place he called home, a place that no one will found out. He was hoping that his light, (Name) was there. She and him met after the fall of Overwatch. She was the one who dragged him out of the rubble and treat him. She was the one who gave him love and caring. She was the one who manage to tame the monster within him. Talon came on a different time. When he showed his true self towards her, she didn't run. She stay and embraced him.

Since then, their relationship is a Hades and Persephone or Beauty and the Beast kind of relationship. For once, he was glad about that sort of relationship.

Reaper didn't enter the front door like any human. He came in from the balcony. The window was opened and the place were dark. The wind made the curtains to move ever so slightly. He step foot into the place. The mist took out the flower. He gave it a glanced before hearing the sound of your angelic voice. You were humming. A certain song.

You had your earphones on and were blasting music onto your ears. You were listening to Larger than Life by Backstreet Boys. It was a good song from the old days. Humming it was your jazz. You don't dare to sing because you might cause the window to break and make everyone to be deaf.

In the corner of your eyes, you saw a black shadow, emerging from the window of the balcony. With a smile you turn and face him. "Welcome home." You paused the music while taking out the earphones. Reaper gave you a flower that you loved. "Thank you." You accept it.

Reaper let the mist to reveal who he is. His arm wrapped around your middle, pulling you close so that he could embrace your warm body. He inhale the scent of your shampoo. Strawberry? He thought to himself. What a great choice.

"Whats with the good mood, Hades?" Your eyes soften at the sight of the Gardenia flower. You could feel Reaper chest, rumbling with the sound of his dark voice. He let a few gap between you and him. He was gentle when he tilt your chin upwards with his claw.

"My hunger was pleased from today mission." His snarled as he leaned down. To give a soft kiss at the nape of your neck. "The souls of today, they satisfy my hunger." He bite your neck, making a mark or a wound. He heard you wince in pain. He smirked at it and continue to drink the blood with his tongue. "Sadly, you are more delicious than them."

He leaned back, taking the flower from your hand and placed at your hair. The wound he made was red and he could see the blood, seeping from the bite. He let the mist to lap it up. "I wish I could devour you," He whispered to your ear. "But if I did, I will miss the taste of you and yourself, mi amor."

You blushed at his words. "R-reaper, calm down." You red was getting red and redder by the minute. He chuckled before nibbling your ear. You shivered at the touch of his sharp teeth. You tighten your hold of his back. "R-reap... p-per..." You whimpered as he continue to attack your neck once more.

Your breath was getting shallow and you could feel that the other region of you was getting warm and warmer. "Hng..." You closed your eyes as Reaper went lower and lower.

The mist pulled your shirt down, revealing your chest. Reaper smirked at the sight. He continue to kissed you. He let one of his hand to snake your back, unhooking your bra in the process. You feel that your bra has fallen. You gasped Reaper fondled one of your breast. He swiftly carried you.

Carried you to the queen sized bed. He drop you down. The mist unraveled his outfit, making them drop on the floor simultaneously. As for you, Reaper continue to kiss you. The mist help him to pull your pants down. While his hands tear your shirt, leaving you, naked with your undies.

"Hermoso," Reaper trapped you. "Como siempre..." He kissed you once more. This time, he tear your undie away. The mist, pull his boxer down. Revealing himself to you.

He position himself as he kissed your forehead. "No se preocupe." He enter with a force, making you hitched your breath. "Mi amor."

He thrust you in. You moaned at said thrust. Since you were facing him, he let the mist to turn around, letting your butt facing him in the process. He continue the motion. The sounds of skin slapping each other and your moans was the sound of heaven.

As the thurst came fast and faster. You could feel you were getting closer. "R-r-reap-per..."

"Sshhh..." He too was getting closer. And the finale was him, pouring out to you. He take it out and quickly turn you on your back. His eyes were filled with lust. He admired your lustful face and... your core. He let his face getting close to your core.

"W-what... are y-you... do-doing?" You panted. Reaper didn't reply as for he lapped your juices. You began to squirmed. He let the mist to pin your thighs down. He use his tongue to enter and suck your juices.

"...arhng," Reaper felt that the walls of your core was getting tight. He knew what was coming and when it did, he drank it all. Once they were all devoured, he wiped away with the back of his hand. He stood up, and lay down beside you.

He covered your form and himself with a blanket of his mist. He pulled you close and gave a kiss on your lips. "Dulces sueño, mi amor." He let you to curled next to him. Letting sleep taking over your tired form.

He brushed the strand of your hair away from your face. "Truly, an angel that had sent from the heavens above."

He let himself to fall relax. This time, it was he turn to take care of you.

- -
mi amor - my love
hermoso, como siempre - beautiful, as always
dulces sueños mi amor - sweet dreams my love


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