How Can You Love Me?

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//i keep seeing reapy as a- idk how to call it but he looks daaammmmnnn fine son /those ghouls-ish thingy? I guess...

You were lounging at the couch of the balcony, enjoying the book that you are reading and the sound of the wind, howling. You eyes divert to the window. "It's a storm tonight..." You muttered to yourself.

You placed the bookmark at the page you left. "Welp, better check the windows." You stood up and checked every window in the apartment. Every single one of them were closed and shut tight. The howling wind was getting loud and louder. It was like the wind was a wolf.

You didn't heard the slide door open. The door was connected to the balcony and the living room. It was opened by a black mist. A clawed hand emerged from the mist, opening the door with cautious. Reaper entered the living room. He had finished the mission and are full from devouring the souls of his enemies. It satisfy him, very much.

Compared to you, you were an angel to him. A light that shines in the dark, a tunnel to lead him. He was glad that you loved him and what he is.

Reaper walked in. Black mist followed by as he enter his home. He heard footsteps, your footsteps and looked up. There you were, walking down the stairs with elegance and beauty. Your eyes lit up upon the sight of him.

"Reaper, you're home." You gave him a soft smile as you approach him. Reaper couldn't help but stride towards you.

"I am." His voice said. He slowly took of his mask, revealing his true self. A monster with blood thirsty red eyes and sharp teeth, they looked at you with such displease but you ignored it. You reached up and stroke his cheek. Reaper's chest purred to your touch. He leaned onto your hands and enjoyed.

"I'm guessing the mission went well?" You placed another hand to his other cheek. He hummed in response. Reaper opened his eyes and leaned towards you, capturing your lips as his arms slipped to your hips. The black mist helped him as Reaper and you make way to the shared bedroom.

The mist took off his belt and his guns. The both of you were preoccupied, smooching each other, enjoying each other lips as it was the last thing that you've ever felt. The mist guided the both of you to bed where Reaper sat and letting you sitting on top of his lap.

He broke the kiss. Eyeing you with his red eyes. "How could you love me?" You were puzzled so you titled your head. "Confused, aren't you?" You nodded your head.

The mist came and turn him into what the people called him, a monster, a freak, the grim reaper, death. It was cleared that everything he showed to you, you could scream bloody murder and run away but, you didn't. Instead, you peck his lips and flicked his forehead. Reaper growled.

"I don't love you on how you looked like," Reaper tighten his fingers to your hips. "I love you on your personality, your voice, your eyes. Everything about you, I love you. I don't care what people said about you. I love you very much. Plus, what kind of Hades if he's Persephone isn't by his side?"

He was taken aback by your confession. He was, once again, amaze by your words. A normal girl who loved a monster. The monster that everyone feared. Its like the tale of Beauty and the Beast, He thought to himself. But this time, the Beast will forever become a Beast and a Monster.

You leaned and placed your forehead to his. Inhaling his scent, you sighed in relief. "I could you love you on how you are, not what you are."

Reaper let his arms to wrapped around your waist, drawing you close. His lips were close to your ear, "Thank you, mi ángel encantador."

And once again, he kissed you. With such fiery passion.

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mi ángel encantador - my lovely angel

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