Chapter 16: Where Were You When I Needed You?

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1 week since Ender, Amber, and Blossom have disappeared .

It had seemed as time had stopped for a long while.

A vine snaked around Ender's waist, and then everything went black.

But not for long. Ender's droopy eyes faded into solid purple ones, and let out an ear piercing screech.

I wasn't long before a chilling laugh was heard behind Amber and Blossom; a dark and evil laugh.

"Wow, you must be that stupid." He chuckled, drawing in a breath. Amber scrunched up her face, as did Blossom at the sound of one of their most hated relatives.

"What do you want, Grandfather?" Blossom growled and let in a shaky breath. She dared not look back.

"What? I'm just attending to my grandchild in distress!" He chuckled, a never-ending evil smirk plastered on his face. "Remember our whistles?" He sing-songed.

So that's what the screech was! Blossom thought.

"You said you destroyed it, along with us! You said you obeyed dad!" Blossom screamed as loud as her lungs would allow her and cried from the bottom of her heart from pure fear and betrayal, aiming directly at Ender.

Ender gave a menacing giggle.

"Yes, but there's a thing called redemption, and when you need it, you do whatever it takes to get it back. That whistle was the key to my redemption; OUR redemption. Are you just gonna throw that away, powerpuff?" Ender snickered.

Amber lost all control. The fire in her eyes spread throughout her body, all the way from her toes to the tips of her hair. She was consumed in fire; lighting up the dark room, and igniting her ever growing anger that had been building up for SO long.

"Oh, look out father, I think we've got a hothead!~" Ender laughed, followed by her grandfather's (obviously practiced) evil laughter.

"YOU. TAKE. THAT. BACK." Amber said, trying to suppress her powers, and her anger along with it.

"Aw, the polite girl who'd never hurt a fly is about to hurt her sister?" Ender said, phasing out of Blossom's vine. "Man, I thought I changed, when Eric died." Ender cackled.

(WHO IS ERIC?! I-.........sorry.....why does that keep happening?)

Blossom froze up. The ground started to rumble and shake. Then out popped a single yellow flower.

"Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flowey the-"

"WRONG THING!" Blossom screeched and shoved the poor, innocent flower back underground. (I'm sorry but I had to)

(Pretend that never happened XD)

The ground started to rumble and shake. Vines started snaking up around everything, closing off the little amount of light there was.

"You. Do not. Speak. Of him."

"Sorry sweetie, I already did." Ender mocked as she shifted into a sassy pose.

Blossom sighed in defeat while Amber, still ready to attack any moment, was trying to shake the familiar sense of nostalgia and sadness away.

"Fine, you caught me, although I don't know how you managed to remember him. Yes, I did what I had to do. I'm sorry."

"Sorry was dead a long time ago, powerpuff." Ender turned and forced a stare into Blossom's eyes. It seems that there was a long silent dispute between them, it was so quiet, you could her a pin drop. Nothing happened. All that happened was the long stare between blossom's pink eyes and Ender's solid purple ones.

Amber was still trying figure out who Eric was. The name was totally familiar yet, even in the midst of everything, she couldn't tie a name to a face.

"Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to fight you." Blossom said, backing away from her sister.

"Well, I'm sorry," Ender mocked. "I'm going to fight you." She smiled and teleported away.

All seemed normal, the light returned to the room and all was peaceful again.

They had also noticed that their grandfather had disappeared in the fight, probably triggering Ender's cowardice and making her run away.

Back at home, Everyone was still searching for the seemingly lost sisters. They'd been gone for a while. Not enough to be concerning and worrying, but long enough for someone to notice. It was more like, "Oh I hope they're okay!," Rather than "nOOOOOOOO."

But no, this book is not at it's end yet, there's still one loose tie that needs to be tied. And it started with Amy.


Sorry, i kinda lost inspiration for a little bit, but this book is starting to come to a close. There still is a few more conflicts that need to happen yet, but still. And then there's the next one, which is really the one I wanna get to. And for more than one reason. There have been small hints left around the book, such as interruptions and foreshadowing, and it's easy to see whats going to come next if you tie all the strings together.

So thanks for staying with me and I promise I'll update more frequently.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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