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I sent a text to Khia earlier, to see if she would meet me at a old diner far from out of town, I didn't tell her who I was, I sent it as a anonymous text. My hands were sweaty and I was nervous as ever, this would be the first time in years I made actual contact with Khia, thanks to Slim I can finally come out to her, and everyone that I left in the past.

I heard the door ring, signaling someone came in. I looked up to see Khia dressed in all black, her heels clicked against the wooden floor as she looked around. I couldn't do it, I was about to punk out, she had no idea who she was looking for. She pulled out her phone and I got a buzz and I read the message. I replied back telling her I was at the 5th table. As she got closer the more nervous I got, my heart was beating out of my chest.


I looked at whoever this was, they had a hood on so I couldn't see their face. "Excuse me, you asked to meet me here?

When the person looked up I felt my knees buckled and I almost wanted to faint. It was him, my brother, my blood. I'd know him if I seen him, he looked different, but I knew those eyes.

 I'd know him if I seen him, he looked different, but I knew those eyes

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He stood up hovering over me and we embraced each other with a long hug. I felt myself wanting to cry and I did. He let me go and we sat back down.

"You hungry, you want anything?"

I shook my head no not taking my eyes off of him. "No, im fine."

"I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but first.. let me just say, im sorry I left, but I was always here Khia, anytime you were in trouble I was here, I helped you every step of the way, you might not know how but I did. Thanks to Slim."

"Slim? Slim Slim?"

"Yes, Slim, we been friends since forever. I just never mentioned him, cause you know. I was so caught up in that gang, he was in the other gang, and he really wanted to drop out and get with the gang I was in, so we stayed connected. He told me everything I needed to know, from the shooting, it was planned I know it was. It was Ryan's fault, but I handled that."

"Wait, you really killed Ryan that night... that night at the barn?"

He nodded, and I nodded for him to keep going. "Don't get me wrong, Keenon's a good man, I only say that because he looking out for you and Penny."

"How do you know about Penny?"

"I've visited her a couple of times, she's beautiful. Just like you. When she was first born, I snuck inside the hospital and watched her a few times, held her-"

I started to cry again but now everything was making sense, I knew I wasn't going crazy, I just knew it. "Zay, why'd you leave me?"

He sighed. "Khia, I had no choice. After the shooting I knew I had to go away to get my shit together, I had to plan to take out the nigga who tried to take me out."

"But the funeral, th- the-" I stumbled over my words cause now I needed to put two and two together to get to the bottom of things.

"I paid everyone, all of it is fake. After you left the hospital that night, I paid the doctors to keep it a secret, and I left. I left the Country. And when Slim called me and told me you and Keenon were a thing, I came back.. immediately, I thought that was gonna be trouble, but I monitored it for awhile, put tracking devices on your phone and your car so i'll never lose you, no matter where you went. If I wasn't watching, Slim was watching, so you might need to thank him too."

I ran my fingers through my hair and sat back in my seat. "I guess you know about the whole Odell situation huh? I feel so ashamed, I let alot of things get in my way over the years, im- im just- I don't even know." I let a tear roll down my face and he wiped it away.

"We all make mistakes Khia, and honestly. I don't know how I have to come out and tell everyone about this, all my old friends ya know."

"I'll help you, this is why im here. I always thought you faked this whole thing, it was just hard to believe."

My phone buzzed and it was Kyrie, I noticed Isaiah look at it and back to me. I rolled my eyes and put my face in my hands.

"Oh God."

"You care to tell me what happened the other night at that hotel."

-awww, this was cheeeeesy
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