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[Kimberly : Friday Afternoon]

I was arranging my new makeup back in its places when I got a phone call from Kyle mother. I jerked my head in confusion cause she never called, hell she didn't even like me.


"Oh Kimberly, you did it! I know you did! You killed him!"

"What? Mrs.Tiffany? What are you talking about?" I walked out of my bathroom sitting on the edge of my bed trying to take in what she was saying.

"Kyle, he's dead! And I know for a fact you did it!" I hung up the phone grabbing my keys so I could go see for myself. The drive to his house was 15 to 20 minutes but with the way I was driving I made it 10 minutes. When I got there my heart was beating fast and I didn't know what to expect. I saw a coroner van, some polices and detectives, thankfully I had a cousin that was a detective and he knew that me and Kyle had a thing, when I saw him I quickly ran up to him and he hugged me.

"David, what happened?" I had tears in my eyes and I wanted someone to clarify this for me.

"Kimberly, im sorry. But Kyle was pronounced dead, he had choke marks around the neck, a few cuts and bruises and he's been like that for two days now."

I grabbed my chest and started to cry, I know i've did him wrong this past week, but that is was all out of anger. I can't act like I didn't hear him screwing some chick on the other side of the phone. "K, we got a call from his mom saying you did this. I don't believe it, but you know anyone else will try to bring you down to the office."

"David, do you really think i'll do something like this. I mean I loved Kyle. But we kind of fell off last month."

"Fell off how?" He stuck his hands in his pockets and spoke low enough for me to hear.

"I caught him cheating, trashed his stuff.. and trashed his yard, but I only did it out of anger I wouldn't go as far as that. He came to my house, punched a hole in my wall, trashed my makeup." I ran my hands through my hair and shook my head cause this wasn't all coming to me.

"Well, there's nothing I can do about that now cause he's... well you know, but you on the other hand. Don't mention anything you just told me, am I clear?"

I nodded and bit my lip while he looked around and spoke low again. "His mom is flying down from South Carolina later tonight, keep away from her! I don't need you in any mess."

I nodded and played with my fingers. "Hey, David.. I have one more thing to say. I- I talk to a guy, and him and Kyle kind of got into it that night."

"Damnit K." He threw his hands up and I knew I wouldn't have a choice to come down to the office now for questioning, and now that I mentioned Tremaine he might have to come too.

"Do you think he-"

"No, no. He's not like that, he's a good guy. He really is."

"Detective Daniels can we have a word with you really quick, please." A white lady dressed up was standing behind David and he turned to her and nodded and then back to me.

"Get out of here, i'll call you later."

I backed up and ran back to my car, what have I done. Im getting myself into some deep shit right about now and I don't know how to deal with this situation. It still hasn't hit me that Kyle was dead, and here I was, left with no answers.

That was a snippet from a new book I started, for more go to my page. ❤️

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