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3rd person//

"Ah~ no one." Yoongi grinned way too wide for it to be considered normal, but better too much than too little, right?

"Are you sure, because I thought I heard-"

"I was just up to get some water, it's fine." Yoongi patted the sleepy woman's shoulder and let his smile soften a bit, he really didn't like lying to his mum, but situations like this kind of called for it. Plus, he's an adult now, he can do whatever he wants to damn it.

"But I was sure I heard talking." She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hands, stubbornly standing her ground in the doorway.

Why did his mum have to be exactly like him? (Or maybe it was the other way around, but anyhow.) Now he had to come up with some bullshit excuse. "I- I was practising." He threw a glance at the wardrobe as he whispered to his mum, not too keen at the thought of Jimin finding out about his little 'secret'.

"Now?" She raised a suspicious brow at him and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah, it means a lot to me, mum, now get out." He spoke through his teeth as he slowly closed the door, literally in his mum's face.

"Oh, alright then, goodnight bear!" Yoongi shuddered at the nickname, not that he didn't appreciate it, but Jimin was there and fucking hell he was an adult! He could hear a door close out in the hallway and he drew a sigh of relief. 

Before he opened the wardrobe he was quick to whisper-shout: if you make so much as one joke about 'coming out of the closet' I will personally, with my own hands, break every single bone in your body and leave you to a very, very painful death.

"And you're sure that you're not a serial killer? Because I think you'd make a great serial killer." Jimin half-joked. The half that wasn't a joke was legitimately scared that Yoongi would flay him alive.

"Too much exercise." Yoongi simply shrugged.

"Right." Jimin cleared his throat as Yoongi walked towards his bed and started to tuck himself back in. "What are you doing?" He followed the older for a bit before he turned around in the bed and Jimin stopped in his tracks, still a bit spooked by the whole 'breaking every bone in your body' speech.

"Well, I'm gonna do what you usually do at 5 AM, sleep." Yoongi's voice was drenched in mockery and it kind of ticked Jimin off a bit, he only asked out of curiosity, he knew people sleep in beds, he wasn't dumb or anything.

"Alright, I get it. I just don't want you to die or anything." Jimin trailed off at the end and he was a stubborn cunt, so Yoongi wouldn't get rid of him that easily.

Yoongi huffed and snuggled down into his pillows before closing his eyes with a content sigh. "That's a first."

"I mean it, we're friends now and-"

"We, are not friends." Yoongi turned around and pointed at Jimin with his eyebrows raised high.

"But, I want to be your friend?" A small lie, an innocent white lie because he maybe just maybe wanted to be a bit more than just friends.

"And I don't want to be yours, end of conversation." Yoongi looked at him with the same stern look but lowered his finger.

"어리석은 계집," Jimin mumbled grumpily, feeling defeated already as he walked towards the open window. It didn't help when he heard Yoongi sitting up in his bed and gasping in mock offence.

"Who are you calling a female dog, huh,바보?" Jimin closed his eyes and clenched his fists just a little, he'd been embarrassed enough as it was, why did Yoongi have to know Korean too? But this might be an opportunity for him to come out on top actually.

"I see that your Korean is a bit rusty, I didn't even mention anything about a female dog." Jimin huffed as he leaned his shoulder on the window.

"Bitch - noun; a female dog, wolf, fox or otter," Yoongi was very determined to prove Jimin wrong, and God did it make Jimin's blood boil. "I see that your overall knowledge is a bit rusty because that's the definition, female dog."

Jimin snorted out a laugh as he pushed himself off of the window, turning around with a smug smile plastered across his face. "Listen here, Yoongi-bear, that's no way to talk to daddy." Jimin walked across the room in only a couple of steps and suddenly he was right in front of Yoongi, jabbing a finger into Yoongi's chest.

"And that's not how you talk to your 형, Jiminie." Yoongi calmly lifted Jimin's hand away from his chest whilst trying to calm his inner turmoil and seem unphased to the younger.

"We're not in Korea now, love, those rules don't apply here." Jimin snatched back his arm from Yoongi and booped his nose.

"I'm still older than you, so respect me and get the fuck out of my room before I start screaming." Yoongi knew damn well that he was acting like a total child, but you're supposed to fight fire with fire, so why not act like a child when dealing with one?

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

A silent staring competition broke out between them and neither seemed to have any thought of giving up - until Jimin flicked Yoongi's forehead and the older closed his eyes as he held his hands over it. "Damn it, what was that for?" Yoongi frowned and weakly hit Jimin's arm.

"Hah, I win." Jimin stuck his tongue out as he crossed his arms over his chest. What was he, twelve?

"Are you ever leaving?" Yoongi groaned and rolled his eyes, but his irritation turned into confusion as Jimin's smug smirk turned into a cute eye-smile, and he quickly pecked the forehead of the older, right where he'd flicked it.

"See you soon, ." Jimin skipped across the room and swiftly left through the window.

What's this kid got planned now?


thanks for reading!


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