Part Three

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"How have you been?"  We were sittng in a rather large living room, drinking the coffee that Kayla had made us.

"Good, busy, head of police now."  Hunter said, with a big smile. 

"Seriously?"   I questioned.  "When did my dad retire?"

"About a year after you left, then Johnny took over, last year he croaked so I took over."

"Johnny croaked."  I was stunned by this.  Johnny was my dad's best friend, they use to go golfing every Tuesday after work.  I could still recall my father trying to get me to go with him one time.  That was one hell of a mistake.

"Yeah, heart attack... don't worry I was there for your father."  He said.  My eyes literally shot open.

"Hunter."  Kayla whispered. 

"What?"  He questioned looking at her.  "Oh, Aidan man I didn't replace you, remember I have a father myself." 

"I know.  So what else has happened in this town?"  By the looks of things, no much.

"Well Hunter and I got married two years ago."  Kayla chimed, at the word married, her eyes lite up.  I could she was extremly proud to call him her husband.

"Babe, that's just a little bit obivous."  Hunter laughed.  However, he was right, it was very obivous.

"So, what's your point?"  Kayla joked.  Same old Kayla, I could not help the smile that streched across my face.  The way they were looking at each other, made me think of Carly and I.  Damn, I missed that girl.  "Aidan you okay?"

"Perfect."  I said. 

"Man, you looked like a love struck puppy."  Hunter began to laugh, then instantly stopped.  "That was stupid, sorry man." 

"It's cool."  My smile had fallen at his earlier statement.  My mind had remembered the pain in her voice earlier today. Kayla casually walked over to Hunter, and slapped him.

"There you go Hunter sticking your foot in your mouth again."  She sat on his lap.  "Sorry, Aidan I thought he would behave himself."  Kayla's country accent really came out when she foot.

 Then, out of nowhere, the door burst open.

"Kayla!"  Carly?  Standing up, I felt Hunter pull me back.

"Dude, she's pissed."  He whispered.

"Carly, don't come in."  Kayla yelled.

"Don't come in?!"  Carly screamed.

"Yea, don't come in."  Kayla said.

"Why the fuc...."  She instantly stopped.  She was standing inches from me.  Carly had not changed much, her hair was a little darker, but her eyes were still as blue as ever.  She was just standing there staring at me. 

"Carly."  Was all my shaky voice could get out.  Just like that, she turned to walk away.  "Carly!"  I called, I went to go after, but Huner just tightened his grip on me.

"Not now Aidan."  He said.  "Kayla go after her."  Kayla looked at Hunter dumbfounded.  "Just to calm her down, but don't bring her here until I call."  Kayla stormed out.  What the hell?  I was beyond pissed, why was he not allowing me to talk to her.  Releasing me, I started for the door.  "Aidan, she'll talk to you when she's ready."  Giving up, I sat back down in his chair.  "Thank you."

"What else has changed?"  I said throug clenched teeth.

"Not a lot, Cherry now owns the nail salon, but that's only new owner I can think of.  Oh, and everyone here has gotten over your leave of abesence."

"Everyone."  Still with clenched jaws.

"Besides Carly, and Carly's family.  In fact, Reid wants you dead."  Reid Roman is Carly's brother, we used to be rather close.  Guess that has all changed.  I guess I already knew that though.  I mean honestly I was one that left, well more like ran.

"How is old Reid?"  I asked, not to sure why. 

"Same always, still playing girls, and working at the bake shop."  Wow, this town really has not changed all that much.  Suddenly, Hunter's Phone went off.  "Hold on."  Jumping out of the chair, he quickly grabbed the reciever.  "hey babe... No, he's still here... what do you want me to do.... no... fine."  Turning back to me, "Sorry about that, and Carly wants to come over here with Kayla, so..."

"You want me to leave."  I said, finishing off his sentence.

"No, she wants us to leave."  He said.

"And go where?"  I questioned, I had a sickening feeling I already knew the answer.

"The Waynut Pub."  Oh, boy!




Vote  as always critcism is wanted, good or bad.

this is dedicated to Yessi4Love for making the cover on the side.  Thank you so much:) 

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