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Two hours ago, Amelia was shopping. Now she was strapped to a chair, disoriented and deeply afraid.
"It's amazing how much money parents will pay to get their children back." A hand brushed her hair back. The strand fell back onto her blindfolded face. The voice continued speaking in the same rough, low tone.
"Especially for young girls like you, the price tends to go up a few thousand pounds." The hand proceeded to stroke her cheek, caressing it gently. Amelia cringed away.
"Please don't. Don't hurt me. I didn't do anything," she croaked, barely managing to get the words out.
Something hard hit the side of her head and the force knocked the chair to the side, leaving her lying on the icy floor. Blood started to leak onto the white blindfold from her temple. She squeezed her eyes shut to keep the red stain from overwhelming her.
"Weak!" her captor exclaimed. She heard the sound of someone spitting on the ground. "You're good for nothing but your money!"

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