Chapter 1

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A long slow sigh escaped Lindsey Lane's ruby painted lips.

He was staring.


That made it five

Lindsey shuffled the papers on her desk, trying to distract herself from the man's stare.

Why did she of all people have to be the one that caught her boss's eye?

Jess from accounting was nice looking but was a bit rude and arrogant.

But there was also Kelsie from Quality Control who was beautiful! Honestly she should've been a model and not have gotten stuck working for $10.50 an hour in a dingy room at Lex Corp. Although apart from her looks, Kelsie didn't have much else going for her. She wasn't the brightest crayon in the box and often was the butt of the other worker's jokes. She also complained about everything and even whined about how annoying it was when people complained.

Three quarters of the staff would've murdered her if Lindsey hadn't stepped in and sent Kelsie out of the break room.

On the pretense of looking up at the clock in the lab, Lindsey snuck a glance over at her boss.

Who was still bloody staring.

Why WHY did she have to attract a short, grungy looking kid in basketball shorts and high tops? WHY?

All she wanted to do was work here one year so she could add it to her resume and move to Gotham.

And out of this horrid city.

Away from her small apartment.
Away from her perfect sister Lois.
Away from her past.
Away from Metropolis. Or as she called it, Helheim.

A importantly-

She glanced over at where Lex Luthor had been standing.

Away from him.

He smiled widely at her and waved.

Lindsey grimaced back and gently lifted a pale hand and waved back.

"What are you doing?" She snarled at herself pushing her arm down, "Now he's going to come over and say-"

"So, my beautiful, Miss Lane, whatcha working on?" A cheerful voice asked in her ear.


Lindsey plastered a fake smile on her lips as she turned around to face her young boss.

Well young being 25 which was just a year ahead of her own age.

"Just a nuclearthermatic device for nucleic fusions," she replied through gritted teeth.

Lex's smile widened and he stepped closer to look.

"Ooooh! Fun!"

Lindsey wanted to grab him by his wavy red hair and yank him away as he began prodding her project with forceps.

"Indeed," she replied cooly.

Lex leaned back and looked over at her.

"How is your sister doing? It's Lois right? She's the reporter for the Daily Planet?" He asked a concerned note in his voice.

Yes the perfect little reporter who is dating a superhero who just happens to be the man she works with, Lindsey thought venemously.

"Lois is great," Lindsey replied in a tight voice, "And yes she is a reporter."

Lex reached into his pocket and pulled out a jolly rancher without looking.

His crazy green eyes remained fixated on Lindsey's face as he slowly unwound the plastic wrapper.

"Interesting!" He smirked as he popped the candy into his mouth.

"Glad you think so," Lindsey said turning back to her project.

"Are you busy right now?" Lex questioned offhandedly.

"Yes-" she began but Lex seemed not to hear her as he jovially threw an arm around her shoulders.

"Great! I wanted to show you something!"

She stiffened at the touch but he ignored her obvious discomfort as he spun her around to face the rest of the huge lab.

"Lindsey, may I call you Lindsey?" He began; his cherry scented breath misting onto her face.

She stopped herself from wrinkling her nose in disgust and merely stated tonelessly;

"You may call me anything you want, Mr. Luthor."

Lex chuckled and placed a hand on the shoulder of her white lab coat.

"Call me Lex, Lindsey. Anyway what I was saying was you deserve to be working on something bigger than this silly project."

This silly project that is designed to save billions of lives, she mentally snarled.

Lex led her out of the labratory and down a long white hallway.

"You have a brilliant brain locked up in here," he continued poking her gently in the forehead, "I read all your papers on Alien Mechanics and couldn't help but notice your desire to explore the realm of other worldly life."

A silver door with a heavy looking security system planted on it stood blocking their way. Lex extracted his arm from Lindsey's shoulders (much to her relief) to type in a password for the door.

"So I had this marvelous idea for you to work on something-"

Lindsey tensed slightly as the door slid open revealing a smaller lab. It only had one table within it and a corpse lay pale and frozen on it.

"Alien," Lex breathed out the last word.

Lindsey stepped forward, peering into the room.

That wasn't possible. There was no way that that was-

"General Zod's body," Lex smiled proudly walking inside after her, "Recovered from the battle a few months back."

His bright eyes pierced her own as he stared at her.

"I want you to learn everything you can about him."

Lindsey felt excitement rise within her at his words.

'Lex Luthor is notorious for never doing anything with out a purpose,' a small voice said in the back of her head.

'He could be playing with you.'

Lex's green eyes commanded her silently as Lindsey opened her mouth.


Lex looked mildly surprised.

"Why what?"

"Why have me work on this?" Lindsey asked carefully, "Why not yourself?"

Lex's smile widened and he popped another jolly rancher in his mouth.

"Because you're the most qualified person I have and because I'm too busy to work on this fun stuff!"

'He's using you.'

Lindsey's brown eyes narrowed as she glanced back down at the corpse.

On one hand she could actually learn more about Kryptonians but with the cost of having to be around Lex more often. And she would have to stay in Metropolis for probably another year. But on the other hand she would have to spend more days at the lab and away from her sister...

She looked back up at Lex and nodded.

"I'll do it."

Lex's face split into a wide grin.


This story has been my awkward side project since I went to go see BvS. It is completed and I will slowly be putting up the chapters. I hope people enjoy it. Because it was a lot of fun to write.


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