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I've lived on my own for a few years now. My father was killed because of past mistakes when I was 10 and my mother didn't really care about me. She threw me out a little while after my dad died. I never asked for it to happen but it did. I stayed in different orphanages until I was 14 years old seeing that no one wanted to adopt me and the other girls hated me. Most people think "well that sucks". Yeah, well it does. School was the last thing I was able to worry about. I had to get a job and fast. But who was gonna hire a 14 year old? Oh right, no one. Before you go on assuming things, I'm not a prostitute or a stripper or a drug dealer. I'm a model. Well actually a fill-in if someone can't make a shoot. My goal is to be a world famous model. I'm mostly an assistant most of the time. I have my best friend Alec James to thank for that. If not for him, I would be one of those awful things but I'm not. He asked his family to take me in and they gladly did when I had no one else. I'm more than grateful to him for everything he has ever done for me. I'm currently 18 and I work for the biggest modeling agency out there. I'm happy and couldn't ask for better considering my circumstances but I want more. Not fame or money. I want someone to give me the love that I crave. Not the love the James family gave me when they took me in. No, I want a romance story that every girl dreams of. Well, not the perfect love story. I want excitement and adventure with all the love tied into it. That's all I really want. Is that too much to ask?


Okay so for some reason I totally forgot to post the prologue before the first chapter and since the first chapter has been posted I won't set a goal. But the goal for the first chapter still stands. The next chapter has already been written so just meet the goals and the chapter will be up :)

Alright I'm done so..........






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