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Dear Eliza,
         How has your summer been? I understand why you are getting scared about our exchange of letters. But it is important to me that we keep the exchange going.

I was thinking... maybe we can meet up before Summer's end? I would love to have a conversation with you in person. Be careful Eliza. I fear for you at the moment. Send a owl back in the night please.

I read the letter that had just flown through the window by the window in the warm afternoon light. I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Harry lay asleep on the bed. Knowing that he wouldn't catch me writing, I quickly scribbled back:

Dear Draco,
        My summer has been okay. Though I do wish that it wasn't so deathly hot. Anyway, how's your summer been?

I also hope we can meet up this summer, though I doubt it would be possible. I'm sorry that I have to send this letter back with your owl... and in the morning but I can't get a owl, so I have to use yours. I hope this letter doesn't get caught. We must be careful Draco.

Once I attached the letter to Dracos black owl, I sent it off. I heard Harry stir beside me, so I quickly put away my quill and grabbed a old rubber ball. It wasn't unlikely for me to bounce the small pink rubber ball. Harry and I were back at the Dursleys for the summer. It was always horrid there. Our room was the smallest bedroom in the house of 4 Privet Drive. We had shared it for years and  only had one bed to share. It had a old spring mattress that we took turns sleeping on. Otherwise... we got a blanket and the floor.

"Hello, Elizabeth." greeted Harry groggily as he pushed up his glasses and walked over to me.

"Hi." I replied gently. I missed catching the ball in my hand. It, in turn, bounced across the floor making me frown slightly.

"How's your day been so far?" He asked laughing slightly at my failure.

I slumped fully back in my chair dramatically and spun around one-hundred-eighty degrees. The chair had been broken years ago by Dudley so that it didn't spin around all the way.

"I'm bored!" I called out.

"I'm gonna try to listen to the news..." Harry decided tapping a finger against his chin. "Care to join me?"

"Harry no. You can't... You'll get us both in trouble!" I begged, as I grabbed his arm and tried to hold him back. It was to no avail, Harry had already started out the bedroom door. A deep sigh/growl reverberated through me.

"Elizabeth, what do you expect me to do? Wait for Voldemort to just come and find us?" he said angrily. As he saw my worried face, he walked over to me and calmly said: "Listen, I know it's scary but we have to be strong. You can come with me if you like... They always go easier on you Liza, but we can't stay cooped up in here all day just waiting to hear something bad happen. You know as well as I do that we can't. Why don't you read over some of my old textbooks- or your textbooks I should say." and with that my brother walked out of a bedroom door.

My back arched again the back of the desk chair as I closed my eyes. Harry would be fine, he can take care of himself. A few minutes later I heard the front door open and close.

Eliza Potter: Harry Potters SisterWhere stories live. Discover now