Chapter 15: On Potions Constantly

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When I went through the portrait hole Harry, Hermione, and Ron were in there. So were other people. I was drawing a lot of attention as I sobbed
"He was there... With him," over and over again. They obviously weren't understanding what I was saying but I kept repeating it.

"Let's get her to the hospital wing," said Hermione. Ron nodded and so did Harry.  Hermione looked super nervous as she stared at me. The boys guided me towards the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey talked to Hermione out of earshot then came over to me with a bottle. I pushed it away.

"No, no, I don't need that," I sobbed.

"Take it Elizabeth," said Harry. I pushed it away again but he made me drink it. It was a calming Draught that I think was mixed with Draught of peace and a dreamless sleep potion.

I woke up some time later in the hospital wing.

"Harry, wake up she's awake," said Hermione.
Gathered around my bed I saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Hermione was staring at me intently. Harry was sleeping in a chair next to me so was Ron but now they were both awake.

I leaned up a tiny bit on the bed and looked against my pillows. Madame Pomfrey came hustling over me.

"That was certainly one of the worst panic a tracks of ever seen dear. Well I'm keeping you here over night for sure hit you can go to your classes tomorrow. If you start to panic at all just take a small sip of this bottle, it's Draught of peace, now for the next so nights I want you to take a bit of this bottle it will help you sleep without panicking. Alright you three out-" she said towards the trio,"

"Oh, please Madame Pomfrey just a few minutes," I said.

"Oh, alright five minutes but hurry up its already 11," she walked away.

"What the blimey hell happened?" Asked Ron.

"I had a dream while I was there (told them dream),"

"So Snape was in your dream with Voldemort," said Ron.

"See, I told you all he was a death eater-" started Harry.

"Wait We keep forgetting that Dumbledore trusts Snape, if Dumbledore trusts him then it's alright. Eliza, maybe he was just friends with him at Hogwarts, I mean they were in the same House," said Hermione. Ron shrugged but Harry still looked unconvinced. I was still laying down but I was now earring  white nightgown.

Madame Pomfrey rushed them off and then told me to take a dreamless sleep potion and I instantly fell asleep. Until I woke up sometime in the middle of the night. A curtain was around my bed meaning that people were trying to look at me and see what had happened. I heard whispering near my bed.

I gently got up out of bed and walked to the curtain and gently moved it so I could peek out of it.

"Are you certain she is alright now Severus?" Asked Dumbledore.

"Yes she had a strong sleeping Draught and two calming and anxiety relief potions she should be fine. But headmaster what will we do?" Said Snape in a urgent whisper.

"I don't know Severus but I know that she must have already told Miss Granger, Mr. Weasley and her brother already. I don't think there is much we can do we just have to keep the order trusting you. They know your story already and they know the truth, as long as they do the kids won't question it to much, Said Dumbledore.

"I don't think we we I'll do the lessons anymore. Mr. Potter doesn't like to practice what he learns," said Snape.

"Yes, well we'd better go I have a odd feeling we are being watched," and I could have sworn Dumbledore looked straight at me.

I laid back down and went to a restless sleep. The next morning I left the hospital ward after Madame Pomfrey had given me one last check up and dose of calming Draught. I was more calm then I had been in months.

I walked back to my dormitory and ignores the stares I was getting in the hall on my way back. The news of my freak attack must have spread around. I rushed through the common room and into my dorm then got changed into a very comfortable hoodie and jogger pants. I then put my hair in a high pony tail and grabbed my books and ran for history of magic.

I got a few glances but not a lot of stares people were to busy sleeping. Professor Bones was so boring he was a actual ghost. The next class was herbology. We had to study fire seed bushes and our homework was to write a 21 inch long essay on them. I wrote it in my school planner and then came D.A.T.D.A. I stayed very quiet and still as people stared at me. A few people even asked me what happened I would either ignore it or walk away.

When potions class double came in the afternoon as I sat down next to Ginny I took out the bottle of Calming Draught and drank some of it. Nobody questioned me, not even Ginny. I was pretty calm but still somewhat anxious when Snape entered.

"Follow the instructions on the board and make the Rat Tonic Potion," I grabbed my ingredients and started to make it silently. I combined the ingredients and as Snape moved swiftly behind me and Ginny I tensed up and averted my eyes.

"Miss potter come to the hall," said Snape.

"No thank you, sir," I said quietly but I still saw all heads turn towards me.

"I am telling you to come to the hall Miss Potter," said Snape stiffly.

I ignored it and dropped what was in my hands. Everyone was now gluing their eyes in my direction. Snape grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me into the hall. I would have been in a complete panic except for the fact that the potion had kicked in and as I was was walking out half dragged I opened the vile of potion and chugged the rest. I heard a bunch of people laughing and gasping as I left.

"Stop that," said Snape and he smacked the potion out of my hand onto the ground. Once we made it outside he stood in front of me and instead of averting my eyes I stared straight out of him.

"Take this," he said as he handed me a small vial.

"What is it?" I said not even caring how rude I was.

"Calling Draught," he responded.

"How do I know it's not poisoned,"

"It's not," said Snape nondifferently.

"Well I don't think I have bad motives backing me up on that," I said.

"You are just like Ellie was-" he trailed off and I saw he had thought of something.

"What's happening Professor," I said a little alarmed. He just led me back into the classroom and everyone went back to making their potions. I have never seen a teacher leave so fast after a class.

I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! I love you! Thank you all so much for 212 views and 10 votes! I love you all so much! I'm tired and can't wait to sleep tonight later, after a three hour rehearsal again. But I love you! Please remover to vote and add to your library/reading list if you have t already! I love you! I think I've said that to much in this pot but no amount of times of typing the words could portray how much each of you mean to me!

Eliza Potter: Harry Potters SisterWhere stories live. Discover now