Chapter 23: Death doesnt discrimintate

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Tonks sent a stunning spell right at Malfoy. Harry ran over towards Neville and me, dodging spells that were raining down above us from the order. He crawled over.

"Are you okay?" Asked Harry to Neville.

"Fine... We should go," said Neville.


"I got him out before we left," I said shaking my head.

The stone floor exploded as a spell hit it. I scrambled away from it with Neville and Harry. Suddenly, Harry had a arm wrapped around his neck. I didn't notice right away but when I did I heard someone growl.

"Give it to me, the prophecy, give it to me!" They demanded.

I was standing up to get my wand when suddenly Neville fell on top of the man. He had jabbed the tip of Hermione's wand into the eyehole of the mask of the man causing him let go of Harry. Harry got up at once and I screamed:
"STUPEFY!" The man fell over.

"Thanks!" Said Harry.

Then Sirius was dueling so fiercely that he walked right past us. The three of us were now all standing up with wands drawn. I guess Neville had retrieved Hermiones wand again. Suddenly, Mad-Eye Moodys eye went spinning across the floor. Moody was laying beside it with his head bleeding.

I stared at awhile before I looked back and saw that Dolhov a death eater was attacking Neville and Harry.

"Tarantellagra," he said as he pointed his wand at Neville. His legs did a tap dance like thing and unbalanced him as he fell.

"Neville!" I screamed.

"Now, Potter," said the death eater. He made the same movement that has been done to Hermione earlier. I felt frozen in time,

"Protego," yelled Harry. The spell barely missed him. I saw him fall over Nevilles legs.

Dolhov raised his wand again.

"Accio proph-" he said. But he was interrupted.

Sirius rammed Dolhov in the shoulder and they started to duel. I ran to Harry and Neville.

"Are you okay?" I asked both of them as I knelt beside them.

"I'm fine... I'm not so sure about Neville his legs are still going," said Harry as he moved off of Neville and revealed Nevilles jerky legs.

"Neville, were you okay?" I asked.

But at that moment I looked over and saw Dolhov using the same slashing on Hermione and I sprang up.

"Petrificus Totalus," I said at him. He fell down at once.

"Nice one, now I want you-" said Sirius as he looked at me and tried to block a few spells.

"Eliza take Neville, Harry, take the prophecy and run-" bellowed Sirius. I saw Tonks fall on the steps limp. Bellatrix walked away triumphantly. Anger filled me. Sirius ran towards Bellatrix quickly and met her. I ran back towards Neville and Harry who was now standing, we helped him up but the problem was we were both now watching Sirius and Bellatrix intently.

Suddenly as Harry and me supported Neville a body lunged at us. We fell backwards and I hit my head in the stone floor. I looked to my right and saw Harry throw his arm in the air to try to save the prophecy from being smashed.

"The prophecy, give me the prophecy," snarled Lucius Malfoy.

"No- get- off- me Neville catch it," and with that he threw the prophecy in the air. I jumped up as I saw it fall and Neville miss catching it. I dived into the ground to try to catch the little orb.

"Impedimenta," said Harry. I saw Malfoys body fly towards where Sirius and Bellatrix were dueling. I caught the ball.

"Harry round up the others and GO!" yelled someone.

Harry and I grabbed Neville and helped him slowly up the steps. It was hard because Neville was twitching so much. A spell hit the stone bench that was at mine and Harry's heels. Neville put the ball into his pocket. Harry heaved at Nevilles robe one more time and with that the seam of Nevilles robes ripped and out fell the prophecy and it smashed into the stone floor. A pearly white figure rose and started to talk but we couldn't understand what it was saying because of all the spells.

"Harry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to," said a flustered Neville as his legs jerked uncontrollably.

"It doesn't matter, just try to stand let's get out," said Harry.

"Dumbledore!" Shouted Neville.

"What?" I said.

"DUMBLEDORE!" Said Neville with the words still being pronounced wrong thanks to his bleeding face.

Harry and myself both stared and saw Dumbledore. He stood in the frame of the brain room with his Ron raised.

"We're saved," I whispered. Harry nodded.

I'm sorry this chapter is so short but the next chapter is super dramatic so I have to split them apart. The story is almost done though so I need to know do you want the next installment to be continued in this book or to be its own book? Would you read it as its own or do you think I should just continue writing it in here? I love you all! Can you believe we have 1000 views? It's so crazy! You are the best!

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