Lemon Chiffon Cake

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"Lemon cake, Lemon meringue, Lemonade! All homemade."

"Sammy. Calm down. You're scaring everyone."

"I'm trying to catch their attention but they're swarming to the candy floss. Fucking dickheads for having that genius idea."

"I had no idea you knew those words or that you used them..."

"Stop laughing."

"It's just a surprise. You're usually so straight laced."

"I'm not. I just don't say much to people who aren't in my group."

"So, most people?"

"Basically. Works for me."

"Fair enough. I like talking to people. Then again, I like the sound of my voice. You have a good voice too, smouldering and sexy."

"Shut up. Most people ask if I smoke."

"They're just jelly."

"I swear that no one says that anymore."

"I count as a person and I say it."

"I can't argue with you can I?"

"Nope. Many have tried and many have failed."

"You have so much energy for someone who puts so little time or energy into class work."

"I prefer to live rather to conform to societies expectations. Nah, I'm just lazy."

"That I can believe."

"Sammy! Avery!"

"Lucy! Hi."

"Hey bee."

"How's it going?"


"We just need customers."

"I can help with that. Just give me a sec. "

"She's so lovely."

"She's okay."

"She's great! Look, she's getting us customers."

"I know and I appreciate it. She's just a little too sickly sweet for me. I like my girls rough around the edges."

"Colour me surprised."



"Hey, what can I get for you?"

"Two cups of lemonade please and a slice of lemon meringue."

"Coming right up."

"I'm exhausted."

"I don't know why you are. I did most of the work while you talked to... Well, everyone."

"I know a lot of people."

"Must be fun to have a million friends."

"I'm only friendly with them. It's very different to actually being finds. Trust me."

"Someone sounds very misunderstood."

"I'm just naturally dramatic."

"I remember when you fake cried to get out of an essay."

"How did you know it was fake?"

"You smiled when you thought no one was looking."



"I know I am."

"It must be nice to be delusional."

"It's rather fun."

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