Jc's Sexuality ( Once Again.)

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I know that I said that Jc was straight but you guys seem to think that he's bi-curious , pansexual or bisexual so I wanna give my NEW TAKE on this whole thing alright? 

I feel like Jc may identify himself as straight but I feel like he would fall in love with any gender. Let me explain why.

Let's say that Lia comes out as a transgender girl ( I know that she's not , It's just an example)  I honestly think that he would still accept her and still wanna date her so that's my logic there. I also feel like If he walked into a club and saw an attractive girl he would literally go up to her , maybe dance with her , maybe buy her a drink and flirt with her that entire night NOT knowing that she's really ( A GUY) so I feel like he would fall in love with your personality before he falls inlove with your gender. idk if that makes sense but that's just the truth. I don't think he's straight anymore , I just don't think he's been in the position where he really had to question himself

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