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I had a dream about Ricky , Jc , Trevor , and Kian and they were making a video and their were a lot of GAY MOMENTS COMING FROM KIAN. u know the shit is real when Kian acts like Trevor In Your Dreams. But Anyways I wanna talk about this DOM SITUATION. I like Dom but I don't like the fact that he's on tour with KNJ , I'd rather it be Just Vitaly. Idk I just feel like the incident with the Shaving Cream That Dom Slapped Kian with is only the beginning and to see Jc just laughin and smiling. I know that Dom hugged Kian afterwards but the way Kian kind of walked off stage was sad tbh. Idk maybe I'm just too much of a Jian shipper and I don't like seeing anybody intefere with my ship but okay I'm done i guess.

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