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their point of view.

Hearing the ding of her phone, signaling a notification, Y/N groaned

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Hearing the ding of her phone, signaling a notification, Y/N groaned.

What was it now?

Picking up the phone with her wet hands, which she highly do not recommend, her eyebrows scrunched together in confusion as it was an unknown number.

It couldn't be her sister and she didn't remember given anyone else her number, so she had only one person left in mind.

Hey, Y/N! This is Jungkook. How are you today? Y/N read over the text message and she could only smile.

How cute was he?

Quickly sitting her phone on the counter, Y/N wiped her hands on her pants. The dishes from breakfast could wait and she did not want to be rude and leave him on read.

Thanks for asking. Life has been great so far. How are you today? Y/N returned the politeness as she remembered the date she had with him later on this evening. She wondered what restaurant he chose for tonight and she couldn't wait to experience it firsthand.

Hopefully it wouldn't be a disaster.

Watching as the three dots popped up, signaling that he was replying, Y/N waited for his response.

Not even a second later, her anticipation was dissipated.

It has been a busy day at work, but I can't complain. He typed and Y/N's fingers hovered over her keyboard, wanting to add something else to the conversation. But before she could ask if he needed someone to talk to, she stopped when another message bubble popped up.

I was texting you to see if seven thirty was okay and to make sure that I have your address correct? She read aloud and to see if her address was indeed correct before turning to her gaze towards the stove's clock.

Having the digital numbers blare at her as it said six fifteen, Y/N didn't know if she would have enough time to actually get ready. She still had the smell of old books on her body and she still didn't know what she wanted to wear for the dinner date.

Was he a classy guy or did he like his women to show a little bit of cleavage?

Rolling her brown eyes at how crazy she truly sounded, the realization came back in full force in her brain. This was her sister's boss that she was thinking of and this was totally fake.

Seven-thirty sounds good. The someone crazed woman sent back before tossing her phone onto the kitchen counter.

Making her way to her bedroom's closet, she wondered what she could wear for tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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