29: Greatest Fear

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I don't own the song above.


I looked around the room, finding complete darkness filling it. The entirety of it was silent, and there was no source of light at all whatsoever. I stood as still as a statue and looked around, trying to focus my vision on anything that I could find. But there was nothing.

That is until a single light flicked on from the ceiling in front of me and cast upon a familiar figure standing on the floor. She stood frozen with her eyes closed and her hands to her sides, her purple dress sparkling slightly under the single spotlight.

"Crystal," I whispered out to her. She said nothing in response. I tried to step forward, but it was as if I was glued down to the floor, unable to move anywhere. "Crystal!" I called out louder. She still didn't reply. Instead, a piano could be heard playing faintly in the background, though it was unseen and hidden away in the darkness. Crystal then opened her bright eyes and took a breath, before she let her soft voice escape from her throat and fill the area.

"I believe, I believe there's love in you, gridlocked on the dusty avenues, inside your heart, just afraid to go..." she sang aloud.

"Crystal! Look at me!" I shouted for her, though she only continued the lyrics.

"I am more, I am more than innocent, but just take a chance and let me in, and I'll show you ways...that you don't know..."

"Come on, Crystal," I whispered while still attempting to go towards her or at least gain her attention. But she only sang, still standing in her own spot just yards away from mine. She remained under the light, and only fixated her gaze at certain points of the song as if she was trying to describe her emotions without saying them straight forwards. I still had no way to move closer to her or make sure that she was hearing me. I could only shout out to her, then watch helplessly as she continued the song. "Crystal, listen to me!"

"So please...I know you, baby...I know you, baby..."


"The shadows of your heart are hanging in the sweet, sweet air. The secrets that you hide control us and it's just not fair...I know you, baby..." She then took one last look at me before her legs gave out beneath her, and she fell limply to the floor. I was then finally able to move, giving me the chance to run towards her. I soon knelt down beside her slim body and held her close in my arms.

"Don't do this," I mumbled. "Not again, Crystal, breathe."

She opened her eyes a crack, whispering three short words. "I love you." She then closed her shimmering eyes and fell limp after taking one final breath. Her hair faded quickly from jet black to bright blonde, and all there was left was silence. Then the light above flicked off, leaving us together in silent darkness.

* * *

My eyes shot open as I awoke and reality flowed back to me. I had forgotten about returning to the bedchambers in the middle of the night and falling asleep a little while after Crystal did. Every now and then, I did require my occasional hours of rest to maintain myself.

I looked around the room, finding Crystal turned on her side facing away from me, sleeping peacefully. Her arms were curled under her pillow, and the braid in her dark hair was slowly undoing itself. I reached over to brush her arm, making sure that she was still real and very much alive. She inhaled deeply, only to let it out with a small hum in the middle. I then placed my arm around her, settling it upon the curve of her waist until my hand rested gently upon her abdomen. Then, I began pulling her closer slowly and gently to not wake her.

"Mm...Pitch," she hummed.

"Hush..." I shushed her quietly. She said nothing else, though she did curl up closer against me, only to easily fall fast asleep once more. But for me, falling asleep for the rest of the night wasn't easy at all.

Jelsa: Our Eternal Winter (Sequel to Our Frozen Love)Where stories live. Discover now