Chapter 5

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Shiki's POV,

A few weeks had past. Nozomi and I had undoubtly gotten closer. We talked more often and I thought of her more often as a friend... and maybe as someone more than that. I don't know. I'm confused. Between her and Rima, I really didn't know.


We had just finished class and I couldn't control my bloodlust any longer, the thought of having Nozomi's blood was so intoxicating and dangerous. ''Bloodlust." She said, stating the obvious in which I grunted in response to. She pulled me closer to her in the dark and deep silence of the now empty classroom so that my chin rested on her shoulder. "You can...~'' She whispered to me seductively. I nodded and licked her neck. I pierced her neck slowly with the fangs that had extended and started to feed on her sweet, warm blood.

Nozomi's POV,

Shiki started to drink my blood. He stopped when he was satisfied and licked my neck again, not letting any spare blood escape him. I touched the bite marks with my hand as it healed by itself. ''Better?" I asked him. He nodded and I smiled.

"Truly, modelling can be such hard work sometimes..." He grumbled.

"Does Rima not give you blood?" I asked, truly curious. He shook his head and told me Rima never gave anyone her blood and she believed that we were fine just feeding off blood tablets.

"She expects quite a lot from me. To be in control is one of her few expectations." He stated.

"I'll be more than happy to give you mine!" I blurted out. After quickly registering what I had just said, I blushed hard and covered my face with my hands. I felt Shiki's cold hands wrap around my wrists, bringing it down so he could stare into my eyes.

"That wouldn't be so bad." He admitted with a lazy smile.


As I descended the marble staircase that adorned the sides of the main hall, ''Good morning Lady Nozomi." The members of the night class greeted me as such. Just because I was a pure blood. That meant I was basically above them in terms of rank and power. I was someone to admire. They were merely beings below me.

Kaname came over to me and took my hand. He led me to a group of vampires. Even Shiki came and walked over. "Nozomi, I want you to make some friends so here are the people I want you to meet. They are my trusted group of people. You'll be in good hands whenever I'm not around, you can rely on them." Kaname smiled at me. Previously, I did not have the time to acquaint myself with Kaname's close friends as before lesson, there was a bit of a rush since the day class students were blocking the gates more forcefully than usual.

''Hanabusa Aido, Ruka Souen, Takuma Ichijo, Akatsuki Kain and Rima Toya, nice to meet you~" I smiled at each one as I listed their names. "Oh, and of course Shiki," I chuckled, seeing the mahogany shift from one leg to another.

''I guess you did your homework," Kaname chuckled.

''I can't believe you still don't know my way with people after so many years of living in a house alone with me and we lived in the same room! '' I exclaimed in an exaggerated manner.

''I do know your way with people but honestly, it's been so long, you might have changed," He pointed out and I just gave a shrug, unable to find a retort in response to that.

Rima was so easy to be friends with, we became friends right away. I think Ruka didn't like me due to how I was so close to Kaname. But I could see her effort to be as nice as possible. Aido was a guy who was really, really easy to get along with. He was rather vain but he had his friendly and childish side. Akatsuki was a little quiet but he still was a person that was easy to make friends with. Ultimately, this group was one I would have no problems interacting with, and that was a spectacular development.

Shiki's POV,

I gazed at Nozomi as she went around acquainting herself with everyone. Her straight posture, the grace she possessed and the confidence she had as she interacted with each one of the Night Class students. She seemed to notice my gaze and tilted her head slightly towards my direction with a smile, Nozomi's voice echoed inside of my head saying, ''Thanks for being my first friend here. You made me have courage when I arrived yesterday. I don't actually make friends a lot but you and Kaname helped me so thank you."

"You're welcome. Can you come to my room after class? Be inconspicuous. I don't want to attract any attention. I have something to talk to you about." I lowered my eyes to the ground. I often catch myself wondering why I have been like this since she came to Cross Academy. Rima came to my room sometimes but I wouldn't suck her blood even if she allowed me to. Nozomi's voice echoed inside my head again, agreeing to my request and I hid the smile that was surfacing behind my poker face.


Nozomi's POV,

Everyone walked out of the dormitory and walked to the gates. The gates opened and I heard girls screaming. I saw some day class girls screaming for the night class boys. There was a girl named Yuuki Cross standing at the front shouting, ''Day class students! Its past your curfew! Get back to your dorms! '' But the day class girls didn't care, most of them ignoring her desperate cries. In fact some of them retorted back, '' You just want the night class boys for yourself Yuuki!" I wanted to ignore them but I couldn't so I stopped in my tracks and walked over to where Yuuki stood, her shoulders slumped in defeat. I placed my hand on Yuuki's shoulder and glared at the day class girls. ''Get out of here or you'll regret saying such mean things to someone who was obviously just trying to do their job. Stop being so childish!" I snapped. The whole place was silent and the fear in their eyes was clear as day. They returned back to their dorms immediately and finally there was peace. I looked at Yuuki and whispered in her ear, ''Don't let what they say affect you.''

"Wow. I just wish it was this quiet everyday. '' Akatsuki remarked.

''Nozomi is our saving grace,"  Ichijo joked.

Suddenly a bullet was shot. The gunshot pierced through the silence and through the air and it dug into my shoulder.  I fell to the ground on my knee with a cry. Blood was flowing out. ''How dare you do such a thing to her on school grounds- '' ''...Zero Kiryuu.'' I whispered. I stood up on my feet and placed my right hand on my shoulder and the wound healed. ''If I were you... I would watch your actions." I smiled menacingly. "After all... You wouldn't want your secret to come out would you?" I flashed over to his side and whispered into his ear with a soft chuckle.

"Don't underestimate me, you scum." He spat and I glared at him with my fists clenched.

"A level E vampire who has no control over his bloodlust, has a brother named Ichiru Kiryuu and your family was all killed by Shizuka Hio. She bit you and you became a level E vampire in a second... How pathetic, both you and your family... When you said 'scum'... I sincerely believe you can only talking about yourself because you're the only person here that fit into that category, don't you agree?" I laughed, smiling madly. Only those with acute hearing would be able to pick it up, that meant the aristocrats, which was Kaname's group, me and Kiryuu Zero himself.

"If you dare to do such a thing again... Student or not, I will make the one you love despise you... What ever would poor Zero do if his beloved Yuuki found out about this bloody secret of yours, I wonder..."

"Don't. You. Dare." He bared his teeth at me as Kaname gently pressed a cloth against the wound to clean up the blood, leading me away as he did so. I turn and smiled sadistically at him, mouthing the words, 'Good luck'.

With that, the night class resumed its way to the classroom with a bickering Zero Kiryuu and Yuki Cross in front of their dormitory gates.

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