building back up

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The next day sarah woke up and saw the social worker sitting next to her bed. She sat there and contemplated how her life would be now. About 20 minutes later the social worker woke up and sarah said sorry but i never asked your name she said it was maria. Hi maria so what is happening with me and is it possible to get any food i'm starving. Sure sweetie.she then left to go get food and came back with a tray with fresh bacon egg toast and orange juice. Thank you very much i was starving. Your welcome but we do need to discuss where your gonna stay. Most of my family is in south africa but my auntie ex husband still lives her i'm pretty sure he would be happy to help me out for a couple of weeks. Ok we can give him a call. Hello mark my name is maria and i'm a social worker i have your nieces is here with me she needs somewhere to stay for a few weeks due to her mother being in a car accident it would just before a few weeks until we can get in contact with her grandparents and until they can come to australia. Sure that is fine do i need to come get her or will she be brought to me i'm more then happy to come get her. If it's possible for you to come get her we are in the st george hospital ward 2. I'm on my way right now. Ok goodbye. Now we need to try and get on contact with your grandparents i will go do that and come back when your uncle gets here until then you can wander around or do as you please. You can also go see your mum she is on ward 3 but i'm just letting you know she's in a really bad state she wasn't wearing a seat belt so it was pretty bad. Thank you very much maria. Sarah then went to see her mum while she wanted she sat next to her mum for an hour then her uncle came and it was time to go but sarah couldn't bring herself to say goodbye she didn't wanna lose her mum to her had already lost shannon and her dad she had no one and was so scared. But the maria came and made her feel better. Before they left they called her grandparent on her mum's side they said they are getting on a plane as soon as they can so they can be a family for sarah. Sarah had meet her grandparent leoni and william when she was 12 but that was a long time ago a lot has changed she's now 17 and she lost everyone and everything but she's was happy that she was gonna see they cause she missed them they came over when she was 10 when her dad died. So she feels very safe around them they helped her last time they can help her again. She left and went to her uncles and was very upset but the next day she still went to school. At school she sat alone people tried talking to her but she shut everyone out. A couple of weeks went by and finally her grandparent arrived in australia. She was so happy and she felt safe but that didn't last long...

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