lose lose lose

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Three days after her grandparents arrived her mum passed away and she was distraught and couldn't control her feelings. She ask to be enrolled in kickboxing so she could take out her anger somewhere they said yes and she started fighting she became really good and was in competitions and won lots of money but the comps started getting boring and so she started street fighting they only rule don't stop till your opponent can get up and she did that all the time and her grandparents were worried and they kept trying to stop her but couldn't for a long time it kept her mind off of all the drama but after a while she just couldn't forget always the only thing in her mind was shannon and her mum all she could think was if she made them wear a seat belt on they would still be here with her looking after her loving her she could be happy but she could never be happy without them. The one day right before a big fight she got a call her grandpa was sick and won't make it past the end of the year this christmas will be his last. She started the fight and she was losing all she could think about was her pop but then she thought about the all people watching over her to make sure she life is safe and happy shannon her mum her dad. she got thrown to the ground she couldn't get but up but suddenly she found the power her heart was beating she looked up wiped the sweat off her brow then turn to her opponent and kick them one final time as she did that they fell to the ground she had one but still did not feel satisfied she then stopped fighting all together and made the most of her time with her pop he had cancer he was doing chemo and everyday he got worse and worse there was nothing they could do so one day they sat sarah down and said look we all know pop isn't doing well and the chemo is making him worse so he gonna stop. She didn't know how to feel happy cause he will be back to his old self but unhappy because it means she gonna lose him. But everyday she went out with him and did stuff with him stuff on his bucket list and she was loving it finally it was christmas day she came in her grandparents room gave them their gift watch her nan open her then her pop opens his said thank you i love it but i'm sorry i'm gonna ruin your christmas just know i love you so much. She didn't understand then but she would later find out...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2016 ⏰

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