Chapter 25:Do We Win?

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A/n I left you guys at a cliff hanger last chapter,  whoops.

The ball is coming toward me, hurdling towards me.

I jump and catch the ball just barely but I catch it. I hold the ball to my chest and fall to the ground. I'm in the end zone and I stand up, I throw the ball to the ground, I made the tough down. I look over at the score board. 31 seconds left.

We have a shot, we are going to win this. I feel the adrenaline already pumping, coursing through my veins.

I run up and hug Brent, Gage, and Jack.

"We are so close."

We get off the field and defense goes on the field.

They get into position and then the ref blows the whistle letting the other team start.

"Set hike" Smith yells.

They get first down with 13 seconds left.

They start another play and travis stops the ball from getting past the thirty yard line.

There are 5 seconds left. The third play starts they get to the 20 yard line when the game ends.

It takes me awhile but then I realize, we won!!


The guys run up to me and it's all excitement everywhere.

"We won!!" I shout.

"Because of you!" Shouts Gage.

"Because of all of us!" I shout out loud.

We all cheer after I say that.

All of the people in the bleachers are jumping from them to the field or standing on their feet cheering.

I see my dad and Ariel walking down to the field. I walk over and meet them half way.

"Did you win?" Ariel asks not fully understanding what happened.

"Yeah, we Just won a really important game. And you get to get spun around!"


I pick Ariel up and start to spin her in circles. Even though I've only known her for a short while, maybe it's because we are family, I feel like we are really close.

I spin her till I'm sissy and barely standing on my own two feet.

After the dizziness subsides, I stand up and take off my tight pants and the pads on my leg so that I'm only wearing the blue spandex shorts the were underneath the pants.

I then take off my shoulder pad and chest pads so that I'm only wearing a tank top, bra, and jersey and my top half.

After I finish I put everything I just took off inside a duffle bag I placed next to the bench.

I stand up straight and walk over to my dad, I hug him, a thing I haven't wanted to do for awhile. I step away from him look up to his face and say,

"Thank you for coming."

"It's my pleasure, I made the mistake of not being there for one of my girls and I'm not going to make that mistake again." He pulls Ariel and me into a tight embrace.

When he lets go, I pick up Ariel.

I walk over to my friends with my dad and Ariel.

"Hey guys." I say.

"Hey." Gage says.

"We did it!" Shouts Brent with his arm wrapped around Angel.

"We did" I reply. Smiling like an idiot.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn towards it.

"I've got to take Ariel home, it's her bed time. Maybe we can go out tomorrow."

"Sure" I tell my dad.

I put Ariel into my dads arms and realize that her eyes lids are becoming heavy.

"You did good." My dad says before he walks away towards his car.

Gage hugs me and I hug him back.  I even snuck a kiss on to his cheek because I'm so happy.

"What was that for?" He asks a playful smile upon his cherry red lips.

"Just cause" I say because anything else would have sounded a little too cheesy for my taste.

I hug him one more time and then go and tell the guys they can come to my house to celebrate if they want.



"Definitely " were most of their replies when I did ask the guys.

I see Tyler and he walk up to me with all of my friends on the old team even smith.

"I should punch every single one of you for asking me to go easy on you! Why in the would would you ask such a terrible question when you already knew what I would say? Why would you try and put me in that situation?" I say when they are close Enough to hear me.

"You could, we deserve it." Tyler says.

"We were selfish and wanted to win" says smith.

"We didn't think about how it would affect you" Tyler says.

"Yeah I can see that. You also didn't think to call me, Or text, or video chat. But that's fine I get it. It's just a terrible situation to be in, thinking your friend doesn't love you any more."

I take a deep breath "But that's over and done with, I have to go,"

I walk away. I get my bag and walk into the bleachers clutching my bag for dear life.

"Hello, Ms.Pretson, have you thought about what college you'd like to play for?"

"I didn't really think a college would want me to play seeing as I'm a girl, it was really hard to get anyone in my high schools to agree."

"Well we would love to have you." With that said he hands me a card for Ohio state.

"Thank you, I'll think about joining this school."

"Call us if you choose us you would be a lovely addition after you finish your senior year."

They nod their heads, shake my hand, and walk off to who knows where.

I just got offered a spot at Ohio state!!
I can't believe I made it this far. I did it!!

I just beat all the odds and I'm going to college for football  even if only one wants me and I still have senior year.

A/n how are you guys enjoying the story?

Love you thanks for reading, we hit 20k!!!

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