Chapter 2

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BTW everyone when something is italics it is either a noise or Chanel's thoughts! When she or anyone else speak it will NOT be italics! ONLY her THOUGHTS are italics!

WARNING: vulgar language, read at your own risk.

Also I haven't edited this chapter I wanted to get it up asap! I will edit it in the next two days

When I've thought about how I would die I never thought it would be at the hands of someone else.

Tink. Tink. Tink. I slowly open my burning, dry eyes from my deep sleep and blink a few times to moisten my eyes, "Where am I?" Is the only thought I can seem to form in my pounding head. I slowly crane my head up towards the ceiling trying to wiggle a piece of fabric that has been tied around my eyes and finally after a good second I manage to get it to fall down my neck and I look around and all I see is....darkness.

That's it, just darkness. No light, no shadows, no figures, nothing! I still can't seem to remember where I am and now I'm beginning to worry because I can't remember my own name. "Something with a C I Ch...Chandler....Chanel...CHANEL! That's it."

I cross my legs at the ankles and try to stretch my achy back but something cold restricts my arm motion. I look down at my hands and see a tiny spot of light bounce off a shiny metal pair of handcuffs, "You've got to be kidding me, what do I look like a criminal! That's it I've had it." I slowly push my sore body off the using my back against the wall and shuffle forward not knowing where I'm going.

"Hello!" I scream out but flinch seconds after due to a dry throat. "How long have I been out, I'm so thirsty." I swallow again to regain any sort of saliva left in my dry throat. "Excuse me, where the hell am I?!" I shout out to seemingly nobody. I scoff and stand there until something reminds me of events that unfolded to let me to where I'm at. I remember walking out of my office really late and seeing a car parked a few feet from mine and a couple heads in the car then after that the only thing I remember is a crusty dirty hand covering my mouth from screaming. I walk back to the direction I came from to find the wall I woke up at to try to find the light again that was shining on the handcuffs minutes before. Right before I walk into the wall I kick something and it moves and I jump back. "Oh dear God did I just kick a dead person?"

"Yes, yes you did" I hear a snarky remark replied to me.

"I said that out loud?" I mumble out loud to the grouchy female voice who spoke seconds ago.

"Yes." Is her only reply.

"Do you know where we are?" I ask the nameless person.

"No, now sit down your blocking the only light in this room!" I nod and walk a few steps to my left then lean against the cold concrete wall and slide down until I'm sitting. "How long have you been awake?" I ask

"I don't know." I nod and look up and a tiny little window way at the very top of this mysterious room. "What about your name, do you have a name?" I ask her.

"Mallory, what about you?" I turn my head to the direction of her voice, "Chanel."

I sit back in a comfortable silence but still anxious as to what will come. I slowly drift off into what seems to be a peaceful sleep. 


I wake up staring at the darkness once again, "What did I do to deserve this?" I turn my head to my left to see if the girl, Mallory, is still sitting there and she is, but this time instead of her looking down or forward she's looking right at me. I feel my cheeks begin to burn from being embarrassed, this is different though, this time she seems to be in a decent mood before I fell asleep her face was plastered in frowns and all I saw was a long cut about three inches go from her cheekbone to her jaw. I take this time to actually see what she looks like, and surprisingly she resembles me in a few ways like, we both have long hair, although mine is dark brown and hers seems to be light brown, also we both have the same olive colored skin, I assume she is very Italian just like me. I smile and suddenly she smiles back, I definitely wasn't expecting that.

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