The Friends of the Devil

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    The walk to the dining room was much more chaotic, yet it seemed calming compared to what was going on in Zach's mind. There standing at the door was Lucifer.
"Glad to see you made it. Now, if you'll follow me," Lucifer said as he grabbed Zach's arm. He led him through the crowded room until they got to an isolated table in the corner. There were two empty seats. Lucifer sat down and waited for Zach to sit down before introducing the people at the table. "Zach, this is Elliot Alderson, Camille Clark, James Barnes, and Liam Jones."  One of them stood up and shook his hand.
"I would be Liam," he said as the grip on his hand tightened.
"Yeah, I'm Camille, but that's probably obvious," she said with the most beautiful smile Zach had ever seen.
"Camille, babe, don't talk to Coldwell. He's the one who made Kirsten lie." said Elliot with a half smirk, half mug.
"You? Him? You're the one? But he looks so harmless."
Elliot pointed to his swollen eye. "Does this look harmless to you?!?" The man who hadn't so much as looked up from his plate said, "Calm down drama queen, you'll live." He is probably James. Lucifer who had clearly been enjoying this whole scene, struggled to keep Liam down.
"I believe that any person is capable of doing someone else harm. Zachary, here, can simply do this. But we must remember why Kirsten is here. And Camille, don't do something completely idiotic." Liam got up and whispered something to James and then left. He had perfect posture and held his head up high.
"He was in the King's Navy. It's only logical he would still be respectful and proper," said James. He was still looking a this food, his hair covering most of his face. King's Navy? Isn't that in Britain? Then again, I have no clue where I am. "And hey, it's okay that you hurt him. You were only defending yourself. You lost control. I get it. Don't worry about Kirsten. She'll be fine." He looked up and gave Zach a slight smile. Zach could see the pain in his eyes.
"James Barnes everyone. The man who's been through hell and doesn't want to kill himself. Oh wait, never mind," said Elliot. Lucifer snickered.
"Let's not forget my father forced me to live in and rule hell," Lucifer said after a short silence. Suddenly someone slammed their hands on the table.
"Alright you five. Which one of you did it?" Asked a mean looking guard. James looked down immediately. He fixed his eyes on his shoes. Camille glanced at him then looked a Lucifer. Lucifer was staring at Elliot. He had a devilish smile as he looked at Zach. The guard saw his smile and walked over to him. He pulled the chair back and looked at him. "You. What do you know? Was it you?" Elliot said nothing. "Dammit, answer me!" Elliot kept looking at Zach. Zach looked around clueless, he saw everyone staring as the guarded raised his voice. Soon it was booming through the room. Elliot turned his head carelessly. He smile grew bigger and he laughed. Then he lifted his hand and pointed at Zach. Zach saw the finger point straight at him. The guard turns his head following the finger. Zach felt as though the guards eyes were lasers burning holes through his head. Oh crap. What the hell am I being blamed for now?  "YOU!! I asked you and you didn't answer me!!"
"SHUT IT," his voice making the water on the table shake. "YOUR IN BIG TROUBLE!" He grabbed Zach by the collar and pulled him up.
"Let him go," James mumbled.
"Bucky, don't," Camille whispered.
"What was that!?!?" The guard asked, turning his hand without loosing his grip on Zach's collar.
"I said let him go," James whispered, his eyes not moving from their fixed position. The guard moved closer to James and dragged Zach along too, nearly choking him.
He put his face close to James' and said, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU! SPEAK UP YOU COWARD!" At this James lost the bit of control he had over himself. His lifted his gaze up and look the guard dead in the eye. Using his right arm, he grabbed the guards shoulder and pushed him down. Zach was also sent down along with the guard. James got up and helped Zach up. The guard rose to his feet and grabbed James by the collar. Is this the reason James was here? Using his left arm, he grabbed one of the guard's arms and twisted it. He pinned it against his back. The guard yelped in pain. Some gasped, others cheered, and the rest stood dead silent. James wore a finger less glove on his left hand, but instead of fingers, there were five pieces of metal shaped like fingers.
"I said leave him alone." This time he said it loud and clear. But all the kindness in his voice was gone. Camille covered her mouth. There was a cracking sound. Lucifer shot up and pulled James back.
"Alright Buck, that's enough. I think he learned is lesson. Come on now. Just sit down," He turned to look at Camille who was almost in tears. "Go get Liam. Now." She nodded and ran. The guard let out a loud yell a James let go of his arm. He clutched his arm and tried to move his fingers. he grimaced at each movement.
"You," He winced as he turned. "are going to pay for this."
"That's nothing, but I think its best if I get going. For the both of us."
"Not a chance in hell." The guard grabbed his shirt sleeve and pulled. James shrugged it of and the sleeve ripped off, revealing and entire metal arm with a red star on the shoulder. He continued walking, ignoring the looks he received from everyone but Lucifer. The guard stepped back and dropped the sleeve. Zach stood there, motionless. Lucifer called him to follow and so he did.

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