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Long ago, two races ruled the Earth: HUMANS and MONSTERS.  One day, war broke out between the two races.  After a long battle, the humans were victorious.  They sealed the monsters underground with a magic spell.

From that day forwards, the two were kept apart, and the humans began to forget.  Some told the story, though they justified why they had done it.  Many said it was because MONSTERS were feared for their power and they would kill them.  This story wasn't told to many though, so after a time, only a select few actually remembered, older folks that had chosen not to tell.  The children generally weren't told anymore, for it was no longer relevant.  

Two such children were playing on an open ground, the grassy area blocked in by a tall fence.  They were playing at the orphanage, one of the girls living there and the other being friends with the other.  The smaller one, a girl no older than 8, ran around with a unicorn in one hand.  The other was another girl around 10, chasing the other with a stuffed lion.  They spent hours playing outside, until the bell rang for everyone to come inside.  The smaller girl looked over at the woman ringing the bell, then looked to her friend.  

"Sorry, Ter...  I gotta go inside now...  I can play with you tomorrow though!" the smaller girl said with a smile.  Since she was the one that lived in the orphanage, she had a curfew she had to keep, as much as she wanted to continue playing with her friend.

The other girl, Terra, gave a sad sigh, but nodded her head.  "Yeah, alright.  I'll come by tomorrow and we can play again, Lyria!  Maybe I'll wear my cowgirl outfit and we can play with our horses!" she said with a hopeful smile.  Her cowgirl outfit was her favorite outfit and she loved wearing it when she could.

Lyria gave a nod and waved to her friend before she ran over to the door, going inside for the night.  Terra smiled and ran back to her house, no longer really needing to stay out any longer.  

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As soon as she was inside, Lyria went into the kitchen to help the cook.  Along with playing with her friend, helping people who needed it made her happy.  There were only a couple of cooks depending on the day, and she knew today the main cook would be the only one there.   She almost ran into the kitchen a smile on her face.  

"Hi, Damien!" she said happily as she came into the room, smiling at the cook.  His food was better than some other ones she had eaten, and he was really kind.

He looked at the child and nodded to her.  "Evening, Lyria.  You ready to help me with some cooking?" he asked.  It always made his day better when she came to help him.  Cooking for all the children in the building tended to be a lot of work, and he generally didn't have a lot of help.  Lyria was a good cook as well since he taught her, so it was even more helpful.  

Lyria immediately went over to the rack and got out her apron, putting it on over her green dress, before going over to help Damien.  That night they were going to make spaghetti, something that they didn't get to make very often but something everyone loved.  This time, Damien even let her cook the meat to test her!  Usually she was left to cook the pasta and put in the spices, but he was letting her make the sauce, meat, and put the spices in!  She was pretty excited.

Within a few hours they both had a giant batch of spaghetti ready for all the kids.  While Damien began serving the pasta on plates for the kids, Lyria went to go gather all the kids.  She ran down the halls, ringing a hand-held bell to let everyone know that dinner was ready.  It was a rather large building, so she had to traverse all the hallways to make sure everyone was on their way.

As soon as she was sure she had gone through the entire orphanage to get all the kids, she began her trek back to the kitchen to help Damien serve all the plates.  It usually took her a good chunk of time to do this since she had to go so far, but she usually made it back in time to help at the end.  She made it to the kitchen finally, immediately grabbing a couple of the prepared plates and going out to the dining hall to serve the food.  

When she got into the room, a majority of the table had been filled, a few people missing.  She wondered where they were, but she began putting the plates in front of the kids.  There were already plates at a few kids, so it would certainly make things go faster.  She continued to help the cook serve the plates until it was finally done.  

Giving a quick nod when she saw everyone had their food, she went back to the kitchen to eat with Damien.  She preferred being with him when she could instead of the others because they tended to be really loud and she was usually really shy around others.  Terra and Damien were exceptions and she loved being with them.  She felt at her happiest with them.

After dinner was over, she helped Damien clean up the mess and told him goodbye before she went upstairs to get ready for bed.  After dinner all the kids were to take baths or showers, taking turns using the bathrooms that were in the hall, then brushing teeth and going to bed.  Each bathroom was designated a few kids, just to make it easier for everyone to get a turn, though she knew that she wouldn't be able to use the bathroom for a while.  She got her bed ready and set for her return before her designated bathroom opened up for her.  After a while, having taken a quick bath as well as brushing her teeth and hair, she finally was ready to sleep.  Everyone was in bed, including her, and the head of the orphanage came in and wished them all good dreams before shutting off the light.  Lyria gave a soft smile and snuggled with her unicorn before quickly falling asleep.

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Just after she had watched her friend go inside the orphanage, Terra left to go to her house.  She wished that she could stay with her friend longer, but she had a family to get home to.  Within moments she broke into a run and ran back to her house, living a few blocks away from the building that housed her friend.  

When she opened the door, she saw her parents making dinner.  It looked like they were going to be making some sort of casserole dish.  With a small sigh she walked down to her room, her room being in the basement.  With the luck she had, her parents were probably making tuna fish casserole, something she didn't particularly like.  Then again, her parents didn't really ask her what she wanted anymore.  The meal was what her sibling liked.

Ever since her parents had their second child, her younger brother, they spent a lot of time with him.  Of course they spent some time with her, but not a lot compared to all the time they spent with him.  Even though she was now second in line for their affection, she didn't hold it against her brother.  Instead she sometimes was bitter with her parents.  She gave another sigh as she closed the door to her room and went to her books.  Adventure books were her favorites, especially western ones.  She loved the cowboys that rode in on their horses to attack the bad guys.  Whenever she read them, she felt as though she could forget everything and become a new person, someone that could ride besides her favorite characters.

Dinner went by uneventfully for her, and she more or less picked at her food while her parents talked happily.  They would occasionally ask Terra how her day was, but other than that their time was occupied with her brother.  While she didn't really like the meal, she wasn't going to ignore it, seeing as her parents usually never let her eat anything but the dinner they made.  She ate her peas and some of the noodles, but she never touched the noodles that had been near the fish.

Once she had been dismissed from the table, having finished roughly half her meal, she went back down to her room to read more.  She could read for hours on end, only stopping when her parents asked her to do something, to get ready for bed, or to play with Lyria.  Once she started thinking about what they would play tomorrow, Terra was eager to go to bed so that the next day would come faster.  Taking a bath quickly in her bathroom downstairs and brushing her teeth, she jumped into her bed, getting comfortable under her sheets and the western themed blanket.  Her parents soon came downstairs, never failing in wishing their daughter good night.  Her father smiled at her, and her mother kissed her forehead before telling her goodnight and turning her light off.  Thoughts of what she would do the next day danced in her head as she slowly fell asleep.

{Hey guys!  I hope you all liked this beginning chapter!  I had written it before, but I rewrote it since it didn't really make sense.  This is just a beginning to introduce my characters Terra, or Ter, and Lyria.  The plot will be moving forwards in the next chapter, and I can't wait!}

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