New Hot Emo Chick? I Am In Love! ( part5)

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Chapter 9  

Veronica Mayers POV

" Hey, Veronica!!" Miley squealed in delight. She was wearing cute pyjamas, rock emo legging pants and stripy green vest. Her hair was fizzy with staright side ways fringe.

"Come inside, it's freezing out" She opened the door widely. I stepped inside the house while Miley shut the door. She facilitated me with my coat.

"I rented a movie but I am not sure you'll like it, it's called Orphan"

" Oh, Jessica was telling me about it the other day, she said it's freaky"

Miley laughed " Jessica is just plastic,I bet she even jumps at the sound of her snoring"

I laughed with her, it was actually factual. Jessica is one blonde in our year group. She been out with half of the boys in our school, she even dates two at the same time but she always gets away with it. She expresses amusement at the slightest thing and makes fun " unpopular" people.

When I entered the living room; a sweet scent hit my face. It must be Lomani, I guessed.

" Wow, you organised everything didn't you?"

" Yes, the pizza is on its way, I called just before you knocked"

"Ok-ay" I sat on her sofa, opposite her wide flat T.V. She sat beside me, grinning.

I did not want us to start conversation because it would only lead us to Jamie and my stupidity.  

I knew she was still mad at me deep inside and the last thing I wanted was to end our friendship because of a guy. Maybe, if I tell I that am deeply storied for running off with her boyfriend would make a little difference.

"Miley... umm... I am so sorry for putting in your relationship with Jamie... It's just that I was really overruled by the green-eyed jealousy that I did not even realise my selfishness" I stole a look at her.

I could not read the emotions in her eyes as she had her eyes clued to the carpet.

" But why were you jealous. You don't like Jamie, don't you?" She asked.

" Err... that's something else.. I didn't tell you about it"

She finally faced me " I want to know, Veronica. I knew there was history behind Jamie and you. I've realised the way you become suddenly apprehensive whenever I mention his name"

That made me embarrassed for not telling her the story behind me and Jamie. She must have thought I did not trust her.

" Well, your completely right. We had a long relationship before you've arrived to St Albert's. We were really tight, I even thought he was my soul mate. After a year of so I thought I fall out of love with him so... I... err...betrayed him, I did not want to break his hard, I ran with another guy" I paused for a moment.

My voice became calmer as I couldn't think of the right words. I was afraid if Miley would think of me as a " heartbreaker" or " selfish".

I knew she already knew the fact that I was selfish so I did not wanted to push her harder to think I am worser and a bad influence. Tears drifted down my cheeks, and soon enough I was sobbing.

How embarrassing?

" Veronica!" Miley squealed in a sympathy tone as she wrapped her arms around me " DON'T CRY, PLEASE, I DON'T LIKE WATCHING YOU CRY"

" Please, don't think of me as a bad person. I know I have been a bitch to people around me.  

I am such a selfish brat" I yelled.

" Veronica, I am your friend, I like you for you and I would never judge you or cross you out , no matter what. I am here to listen to you and be on your side and trust me that's what I am doing"

I wiped the tears away with the palm of my hand. Did she really say what I heard?

I thought she was still mad at me. I smiled at her and she gladly returned it. I felt as if the fire inside me suddenly froze with ice.

"Thank you so much, I really appreciate you being beside me after all I've done, to you and to everyone around me"

" You do not have to thank me, that is my job. That's what anyone could ever do for their friend"  

I hugged her tightly. She was my friend after all.

Suddenly the doorbell rang. I looked at Miley quickly with a questioning look.  

" Pizza!" she yelled as she stood up to open the door.

Miley Ravel POV

I opened the door. The pizza man was standing shivering, he was cute. He winked at me while handing me the pizza. He looked at me from head to toe with a flirty look in his eyes while a small smile was playing at the edge of his lips.


" Wait, i'll get you the money" I said as I half-closed the door. I went into my jacket's pocket and got out my wallet. I opened it and got out the money. I then realised my phone wasn't in my pocket. I remembered the last time I checked, it was inside my pocket. Oh Fab-baloma-tastic.

I opened the door and handed the money to the cute bloke. He still had the flirty look in his eyes.  

" So mind if I join you with the pizza. Trust me, it will be " fun" "  

I could still hear the quote marks around the fun. Over my dead body, a voice in my head said.  

" Thanks for the offer but no thanks, I am actually waiting up on my husband, I am going to surprise him with romantic night, want to help me out"

He had a quizzical expression, a one that said " a husband? Wait Aren't you only 15,16,17"

" I'll take that as a NO"  

And with that I shut the door on his face.

When I entered the living room, Veronica already turned on the movie and paused it on the beginning.  

" My phone is not in my pocket, I wonder where I've seen it last time" I murmured, almost to myself.  

" Where were you last time, before you came home?" Veronica asked.

" Umm, I was with Mark. He took me to McDonald's"

" Really, a date with him? WOW, you sure don't waste your time" She squealed in a amusement.  

I laughed " He has been asking me for ages"

" Do you like him, still , I would if I were you. He sure is incredibly hot"

I laughed " I don't know... I think I do, I feel comfortable with him"

"Seems like he fancies you, too"

"What makes you think he fancies me, it's Mark who we talking about, he is the biggest player"

Veronica, was now thinking deeply "Maybe he thinks you're different and maybe you have different effect on him"

I shrugged. A boy like Mark would never stick with the same girl for long, I know because, everyone knows. God knows how many girls he have been out with and played with their head. I am not putting myself in the same position.

"He is a player, Veronica. The handicap can easily guess by the way he stares at any female on the planet" . I wasn't sure with my statement, if what I thought of Mark was completely true.

But I was well-satisfied by the fact he was a player.

"Do you really except a stones around his neck?" Veronica asked rhetorically.

I went over to the T.V and played the movie, turned all the lights of and jumped on my sofa. I looked over at Veronica. She looked anxious which made me laugh.

Chapter 10

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2010 ⏰

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