Part 7-

46 4 11

Game day. My alarm wakes me up at six. I put on leggings and a Nike jacket. I leave a note for my parents in case they wake up before I'm back.

I put my headphones in and do a light stretch, before I start running. I start off jogging up the street. I pass the red house with the sausage dog barking at me, I wave to the lady who owns the corner store and I sprint past the old, creaking house with the old man who has it out for me...I swear.

About an hour later I arrive back home and is greeted by my dad cooking pancakes. YUUUUUUM!!!

"Have a nice run?" He asked.
"Yep," I said whilst grabbing a plate and putting three pancakes on it and lathering it in maple syrup.
"You excited for the game tonight?" My mum called out whilst walking down the stairs.
"Yeah, I guess it's just that I'm not actually playing," I frowned. "Are you guys coming?" I asked them.
"Yeah, we wouldn't miss it for anything," Dad smiled. I smiled at them both and continued eating the pancakes till I was stuffed.
"I'm just going to study for a bit," I told them, before walking up the stairs.

I walked into my room and decided to have a shower, to get me less tense and since I just ran for an hour.

The water ran down my neck, clearing my thoughts. I forgot all about Nick, not being in the game and school. I just let the water rush over me.

I stepped out of the shower about fifteen minutes later and wrapped a towel around me and another for my hair.

I chucked on some random clothes, knowing I won't be seeing anyone till tonight.

Then I got down to study. I blocked everything out, I need to get good grades.

I felt like I had been there for only half an hour, but when I looked at my phone it was twelve. Wow...I only had one fifteen minute break. I got up and stretched, my muscles hurting from being stuck in the same position for more than four hours. I skipped downstairs and ran to the the fridge. I was starving, study really takes all of my energy away.

I looked through the fridge and found that if I wanted to eat something out of it, I would have to actually make it. Sooooo no.

I looked through the cupboard and found two-minute noodles. So I put on the kettle and waited for it to heat up, before pouring it into the cup and adding all the flavourings.

Mum and dad were out, so it was only me and the pets. I walked over to Pudgy the budgie and scratched his belly with my index finger. He tweeted at me and went back to looking at himself in the mirror. He loves himself...

"YODA!" I called. I heard paws running on the floorboards and came scampering into the living room. I sat down on the coach, turned the TV onto Netflix and put on Supernatural. Yoda jumped on the coach and snuggled up to me. He was a black shnoodle.

I ate my noodles and almost threw them at the TV, when I saw what happened on Supernatural. I think I might be a little bit obsessed...

I looked at my phone and saw it was 4:00. Okay really obsessed.

Coach said we had to be at the field at four thirty, so I had an hour.

I texted mum asking where she was.

Me: Where are you?

Mum: Me and your dad went shopping and then we ran into the Ryan's. We're at the Five Point Bar now, but leaving soon. See you at the game. Love you xxx

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