Chapter 2-

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I woke up still feeling empty inside. I still haven't wrapped my head around the fact that he did that. I cried myself to sleep and woke up multiple times with tears streaming down my cheeks. I got up out of bed and got ready for school. I wasn't going to be the girl that withers in self pity skipping school. I was going to face him and not break down. I need to be strong.

I walked down stairs and made myself some toast. Mum walked into the kitchen and looked at me sadly. She came over to me and wrapped me in her arms.
"It's ok honey, he's not worth it at all. You can do much better," she comforted.
"Thanks mum," I smiled. I let go of her and went back to eating my toast. Dad walked into the room and smiled.
"My offers still standing, I will kick his ass for you," he said seriously before smiling.
"I'm might take you up on that offer, but I'll be the one kicking ass," I laughed. He smiled then kissed me on the forehead and kissed mum on the lips before heading to work. I gave mum a hug then hopped in my car and drove to school.

I parked my car and sat there for a bit. I took a deep breathe and got out of the car. I walked to my locker and got my books out, trying to avoid anyone who I might know. I went to find my friends before the bell rang, so I went to our courtyard. When I saw them they all ran to me. Engulfing me in a hug. I told them everything over the phone last night. Bethany moved her arm and hit my stomach, which sent a sharp pain through my torso.
"Ow, Bethany can you move your arm," I whimpered.
They all moved away confused and I pressed down on where it hurt. The pain came back and I lifted up my white tank-top. A large purple bruise was forming. IT WAS FROM WHERE NICK HIT ME. They all gasped and looked worried.
"Is that where Nick hit you?" Charley asked looking mad. I nodded tears building up in my eyes again.
"How did you not see this before," Bethany asked confused.
"I didn't really notice it,"I replied. I blinked and a tear slid down my cheek. I can't cry, I've cried over him enough.
They all gave me a hug, but were careful about the bruise. I'm not crying because it hurts. I'm crying because this is what he did to me, he hurt me.
"I'm okay, don't comfort me I'll just cry again," I laughed whipping my eyes dry. We still had 15 minutes to the bell but we all had to part ways to get stuff ready.

I had to go find my mitt that I left on the field yesterday. So I walked down the bustling hallway filled with students trying to find there way. I turned the corner and saw Nick leaning against a locker talking to a girl. For the millionth time my eyes filled with hot tears threatening to spill. When he caught my eye he said something to the girl and started jogging my way. I could get my mitt later, it was still too soon to talk to him. I started jogging down the hallway pushing past everyone. I headed to the girls bathroom, where he couldn't get to me. But I was to slow, he grasped my shoulder and stopped me.
"Ba- Naomi, I'm so sorry," he whispered. I couldn't look at him, I would break down.
"What are you sorry about Nick?" I said through gritted teeth.
"For everything, I would take it all back... I miss you," he whispered closer to my ear this time. My blood boiled, he doesn't really think I'm that pathetic that I will throw myself at him. I'm never going to fall for his tricks. I spun around and looked straight into his grey eyes. I saw his face was bruised from me hitting him, but he deserved it.
"So you're sorry for cheating on me, for disrespecting me, being sexist and doing this to me," I glared. He looked confused till I pulled up my shirt making the bruise visible. His jaw dropped and he didn't say anything. He started stepping closer to me, but I wouldn't let him go any closer to me.
"Babe I didn't mean that, you stepped in front of me, I couldn't stop." He said sadly.
"I don't care. And don't call me babe, I AM NOT GETTING BACK WITH YOU. YES I MISS YOU BUT I HAVE AT LEAST A LITTLE SELF RESPECT TO GET YOU OUT OF MY LIFE!" I yelled. I didn't care if people saw, I needed to let it out. I stormed off without giving him a second glance. People were started pointing but I didn't care. The bell rang and I went to Science.

The bell rang for lunch as I just finished drama. I began to walk to my locker to get my lunch, but I ran into someone.
I fell onto my butt and the impact hurt my stomach a bit but nothing to complain about. I looked to see who the culprit was and it was Aaron!
"Oh, I'm really sorry Naomi, I didn't looked where I was going." He apologised as he kneeled down to help pick up my books.
"No, it's fine," I said picking the rest of them up. He helped me up with his free hand and gave the books back to me.
"Thanks for that," I smiled at him.
"I was the who knocked you over," he laughed. He had a really nice laugh, very infectious. I lifted my books up a bit higher as one of them was about to fall out again, but as I did that one of the spines of my book snagged onto my shirt and raised it slightly. Aaron's eyes darted to the spot and he looked confused and angry mixed into one.
"Are you okay," he asked worriedly.
"What do you mean?" I questioned him. He pointed to the bruise and I quickly pulled the shirt down.
"It's nothing," I lied looking away.
"That doesn't look like nothing to me." He said raising his voice slightly. He grabbed my free hand and pulled me into an empty classroom.
"Is that what Nick did to you?!" He whispered in a raised tone. I looked down at my shoes and nodded. He hit one of the desks with his fists, which made me flinch.
"I swear, I'm going to kill him," he said talking to himself. I put the books down and stood in front of him.
"He didn't purposely do this to me, it was my fault I stood in his way. He couldn't of stopped it." I explained looking into his eyes trying to get my point to him, scared that they'll fight again.
"You didn't have to stand in front of me, I was fine," he stated, placing his hands on my shoulders giving them a squeeze.
"I needed to stop you guys and he was going to hit you when you were on the ground. No one else tried to stop it did they?" I stated looking at his hands on my shoulders.
They felt nice on my half bare shoulders, they were calloused from baseball. But it made me feel safe. He saw where I was looking and let go.
"Someone needs to teach him a lesson!" He exclaimed raising his voice.
"Why do you care!? You have hardly ever talked to me, I'm surprised you even know who I am. So why are you sticking up for me!?" I yelled to him. He looked at me before picking up his stuff.
"Just fucking forget it. Stay away from me," He glared before storming out of the room and slamming the door. I stood there dumbfounded. One minute he was wanting to bash someone for me, then angrily telling me to stay away. Ugh I hate high school. I HATE BOYS! I picked up my books and walked out of the room fuming.

The bell rang for school to end and me and Bethany came out from Japanese laughing. We were walking to our lookers when someone came up to us.
"Can I have a minute Naomi?" Alex came up to me. WHY THE HELL WAS ALEX PARKER COMING UP TO ME THE SCHOOLS BADBOY!!!!! Well he isn't actually bad he just rebellious...He is one of Aaron's friends that I mentioned earlier. He was 6ft and had jet black hair that was in quiff. He had emerald green eyes, with a dash of brown in them. His mouth was always in the side smile, that melts your insides to goo. He had very tanned skin, I think he is half Spanish. He was wearing a plain white tee, with black jeans and white vans. He also had a pair sunglasses on top of his head. I was eye raping him till Bethany hit me in the back of the head and I snapped out of it. I rubbed the back of my head and glared at her.
"Uh sure? Why are you talking to me?" I asked really confused. He laughed and put his arm over my shoulder. I looked at Bethany and mouthed OMG. She just silently squealed and shooed me off to go with him. 

Lots of girls were giving me dirty looks as we walked down the corridors with his arm slung over my shoulder.
"So why are you talking to me?" I asked him.
"Well Aaron told me what happened," he spoke sadly.
"Oh," I said.
"I just wanted to see how you were. We were really close when we were younger." He smiled down at me. I looked down and smiled at the memories. Our parents were friends and we always saw each other.
"Yeah, do you remember when we chased the chickens around yelling at them to lay eggs," I laughed. He belted out an over exaggerated laugh that filled the whole corridor. It made the teachers glare at him and all the students turn our way. He stopped laughing and he tightened his grip on me.
"I also want to apologise for Aaron, I don't know what got into him," he apologised.
"How did you hear?" I asked him.
"I was in the classroom trying to find my phone the teacher took and when you guys opened the door I hid under the teachers desk." He told awkwardly.
I nodded, thinking about what happened.
"He will come around just give him some time," he admitted.
"Ok, thanks," I smiled up at him.

We turned around a corner that led to our lockers when I saw something that shattered my already broken heart. Nick was sticking his tongue down Kimberly's (the school slut) throat. My whole world shattered. I knew it was over and that he cheated on me but how could he do this at school where I could see. I dropped everything, which landed on the ground in a bang. I started to loose feeling of my legs and my whole body felt like a heavy weight was thrown on me. Everyone was starring, we were the couple everyone thought that would get married after school. I dropped to my knees and tears built up in my eyes. I thought I cried all the tears out, how could I have anymore. I blinked trying to make it go away, but it just made them spill out. He broke away from her, to see what the sound was and he saw me on the ground. H-he lied. He didn't miss me. He just stared at me, unsure what to do. I couldn't hold it in, in front of everyone. I buried my face into my hands and just started to cry out. Alex quickly knelt down and wrapped his arms around me comforting me. I looked up and saw Nick still looking at me, but then Kimberley whispered something in his ear and smirked. He lustfully smiled and pushed her up against a to my locker. This caused her to squeal. I felt like someone just hit my heart with a truck then threw it in a dump. I saw Aaron come around the corner and he stopped. He looked at me then to Nick. He showed no emotion on his face, then he just kept on walking right past me. Alex tightened his grip on me and huffed. I picked all of my belongings up and stood up. I walked over to them and put everything in my locker, trying to block the sound of them out. Once I did that I starting walking away from them, I then started to jog, before I knew it I was sprinting out of the school and running onto the field. I kept running till I was in the middle of the field.

I just stood there breathing in the fresh, crisp air. It calmed me down, baseball has always calmed me down. I walked over to the batting cage and put on a random helmet and grabbed the training bat. I turned on the ball machine on, went to the back of the cage and got in the batting stance. I hit the balls as hard as I could, letting all of my emotions out. It felt good, baseball just clears my mind and I don't about anything else other then hitting the ball. Once I struck all of the balls, I put them all back in the machine and walked to my car.

I can make it through this. I'm stronger then Nick, he will find out who the true Naomi is. Oh and he will be begging for me to take him back. But he won't ever get me again . He won't know what hit him.

Yeah sorry guys this chapter SUCKED. At least I updated this week! Trust me it will get more interesting. Oh and sorry this ones shorter, but I think it's best to right more chapters and make them shorter. Remember comment what you think and vote if you like it! Thanks ~N

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