Chapter One: Pizza Slap

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Hey guys! I just wanted to thank you for clicking on this book and giving it a chance. I really hope you like it.

I also just wanted to say that I am from Australia and this book is set in California so I'm sorry if I get some things wrong. Thanks!






I belted out each word as the song continued to play. Hopefully people in the other cars weren't nosy enough to watch me dance behind the wheel of the car. Singing along to English Love Affair by 5 Seconds of Summer got me pumped for what would be another insufferable day in hell.

Look I'm not smart and I don't enjoy it but we've all got to do it so really there's no point in me complaining. School is one hell of a roller coaster no matter what.

Finally I turn into the schools parking lot and park my car. I grab my bag from the passenger seat and swing open the door to smell the nice summer air. 

A huge smile spread across my face.

And this is because today is officially the last day before summer break and boy was I excited.

Summer is gonna be wild. I'll tell you what I'm most excited about though. Eating ice cream everyday. Well, i mean it's not like I didn't already do that.

"Riley!!" I look up and running towards me and my three best friends. Jess, Natalie and Cara.

Let me introduce you.

First we have Jess. One word to describe Jess would defiantly be goddess. I means she looks like she should be traveling across the world modelling. She's super tanned, has brown hair and brown eyes. She always understands me no matter what I'm talking about and we can relate to most things. She's our guy whisperer. She knows how they work and what they think. We always ask her how she does it but a magician never reveals their secrets.

Next is Natalie. Natalie is a living, breathing pineapple. She's spiky and unpleasant when you first meet her but once you get to know her she's sweet and an amazing person. If anyone in our little group would be the one to start a fight or call someone a bitch is would be her but we love her all the same . Don't tell her but I'm secretly super jealous of her beautiful red hair.

And lastly we have Cara. She has saved our lives many times when it comes to what to wear. Always telling us we can't wear certain things with certain things and reminding us what all the trends are. I swear she starts trends sometimes without even knowing. She's also one of the smartest people I know which means she doesn't have to pay much attention in school which I wish I could do.

"Last day of school!"

"WOOOOO!" We all screamed as we started our walk into school.

We are gonna have the best summer ever. We are currently planning one hell of a road trip that's gonna take place soon and from what we've got so far I know it's going to be awesome.

"Sooooooo I was thinking...." Jess says, her voice going high at the end.

"Oh no."

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