4: Risking Everything

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Dipper blinked open his eyes groggily, groaning. Everything hurt. Was everything supposed to hurt? Where was he? The bottom of a cliff? The cliff... The Northwest mansion... The mirror... Dipper sat up in horror, staring at the shattered mirror next to him. No! This was all Pacifica's fault! Stupid Northwests, stupid Pa-

Dipper's thought was interrupted as he caught sight of a broken form five feet away from him. Blonde hair. Purple dress. Not moving.

"Pacifica!" He cried, crawling over to her. Even that hurt. God, what did he break? He had to have broken something, or it wouldn't hurt this much, right? "Pacifica, wake up!" No matter what their differences were, Pacifica couldn't die! Maybe she had kept secrets from him, but she was still the same Pacifica who had healed him up, who had fallen asleep on him, who had laughed with him, who had helped capture the ghost...

She's also the girl that bullied your sister, another, darker voice inside of Dipper said. That humiliated you in any way possible. You called her the worst to her face. What's different? You should just leave her lying here. Dipper shook his head, dismissing the thought.

"Please, Pacifica, please..." Dipper cradled the unconscious girl in his arms, taking in the leg that was bent at an awkward angle; the way her breathing was airy and raspy. Her ribs felt broken. Did they puncture her lungs? "Please don't die on me. You helped me, and my stubbornness got us into this mess. I have to thank you. I have to apologize!"

"Well, well, well..." Dipper tensed as the familiar voice washed over him. "Looking desperate, Pine Tree. Fear's a good look on you!"

Dipper's head shot around, and there was Bill Cipher, leaning on his cane leisurely. "Bill! Go away! I'm not going to make any deals with you!"

"No?" Bill leaned to one side, his eye alight with amusement. "But don't you have a ghost to stop? I could heal you right up, you know. All you've gotta do is shake my hand." Bill's hand leaped toward Dipper, alight with blue flames.

"That's not important right now!" Dipper resisted, hugging Pacifica tighter. "I'm just going to get Pacifica and myself to a hospital, and-"

"Pine Tree, Pine Tree!" Bill began to laugh, enjoying the boy's misery. "You've lived here all summer; you know that there's no hospital in Gravity Falls! Just a mediocre clinic. There's no way that they'd be able to save your friend. If anything, these idiots would make it worse!"

The truth in Bill's words was unbearable. Dipper stared at Pacifica, wishing that there was some way to make everything right. There is, a small voice inside of him said. Pacifica is all that matters now. Taking a deep breath, Dipper turned to Bill with determination. "I'll deal with you. What are your terms?"

"Woo! Now we're talking!" Bill laughed, his eye bright. "My friend in Time Space tells me that in the near future, I'll need a special little globe. Here, let me show you." Bill conjured an image of what looked like a snow globe. Inside, blue, black, and purple blobs floated around, shimmering with what looked to be stars. "Get it for me when the time comes, and I'll heal you and the Northwest girl right now." Bill's hand shot out, engulfed in blue flames. "Do we have a deal?"

Dipper glanced uneasily at Bill's outstretched hand, then back down at the girl in his arms. This is for Pacifica. He faced the one-eyed demon with determination. Dipper extended his hand. "Deal." They shook on it, and the deal was made.

Bill snapped his fingers, and Dipper could feel his bones snapping back together, his muscles resealing after being torn, the pain going away. In his arms, Pacifica began to wake up, her form straightening and her breathing becoming normal.

"Well, that's it for my end of the deal," Bill said, floating upwards. "Make sure you uphold yours, Pine Tree! Later!" And with that, the dream demon disappeared in a flash of bright light.

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