victim protection

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"Hi," Taylor states to the teens sitting in front of her.There was a boy with curly red hair, spilling over his head and  down to his eyes, with bright hazel eyes, another boy with short blond hair and light brown eyes, then another guy with curly brown hair, just a little shorter than the redhead, last but not least a girl, she was tall, and had cinnamon brown skin with curly dark brown hair with red tips that tyed up with a bandana. The girl replies with a hand shake and says,
"Hi my name is Alex, and this my friend Skyler and those two idiots are Mike and Jaime. "
" boyfriend." Skyler corrects Alex  .

"You wish you dipstick" she says back.

"And we're not idoits" says Jaime.

Skylar , Alex, and Hector all look at eachother and say at the same time, "yes you are!"

Skyler stands up and says " I don't know I ship Jaky till the end."

Mike speaks " you know I have a girlfriend."

then Alex speaks. " yeah, we all know about that the bimbo barbie, thing you call a girlfriend."

Mike pouts " no don't talk about my gf like that."

Skyler walks behind mason and gives him a hug
" dont pout, mwikey "
Mike still pouts. Taylor gives walker a questioning look . Skyler  then covers mikes's ears and says.
" someone has mental issues " Jaime nods. Taylor laughs when Mike  screams out
" you know I can hear you right"

" now that we've had that sweet Myler moment we need to get back on task." Hector finally speaks.

"I have called this meeting because Taylor here needs protection, I believe x is after her. Taylor restate your story" and she tells them her story .

After your story Alex stands up and goes to the other side of the room and writes on Hector's  whiteboard.

" Okay so here we are going to list suspects first being x, second being the people the know Evan, oh wait that THE WHOLE ENTIRE SCHOOL. Hmmmmm.... that cant be hard. but wait, if you think about it  x isn't a bad person." Alex says.

"Alex I know your into that bad boy thing, but X is suspected for murder!" Says Hector. 

" Yay! I still have a chance with her!" Skyler  shouts.

Alex  turns around  " a bad boy, doesn't mean playing the wii without a safety strap." Alex shoots him down. Mike  and Jaime start giggling like school girls.

" and anyway, he suspected of murder which is , say it with me, speculation. he could be framed, like you and what's his name. Also, how are supposed to know that mike's gf and her two minions had Evan to do that to her to embarrass her?See, you don't. It could have been her little stalker Alan!" Kaiya says.

Mike jumps up "I think Alex' s right! But, there is a possibility, so let's stay close to her, and watch out for any clues. Anyway, we should be headed to school."

"Harpold , it was canceled, hint, hint the blizzard outside" Alex says.

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