Part 6- Visit and Secrets

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Hakyeon took a deep breath and hopped each step
"Here goes nothing"
He knocked quietly then waited a second,
"Well I guess no one is home, well that's a shame"
He turned around to leave, when the door opened
"Where are you going?"
Hakyeon turned around
It was Taekwoon, oversized sweater with skinny jeans.
'God. DAMN. He's adorable.'
Hakyeon thought, bowing and sneaking past Taekwoon into the house.
It was similar to his house, small but fit for one person.
Taekwoon followed behind, closing the door
"Did you eat yet?" He asked
Hakyeon shook his head, "Ah but don't worry you don't nee-"
Taekwoon had already pulled out all sorts of ingredients.
"I haven't eaten either"

They both ate breakfast. Taekwoon took all the dishes and put them in the sink
Hakyeon followed him, accidentally tripping on the floor
Taekwoon dropped the sponge, catching Hakyeon in his arms
"You okay?"
Hakyeon coughed, "Yeah I'm you"
Taekwoon helped him up, "Come on, time to act"
They went upstairs, Taekwoon allowing Hakyeon to go first
"First door on the right" he called
Hakyeon went into that room, and was instantly amazed
Everything was neat, organized and put away unlike his sorry excuse for a room

Hakyeon pulled out the script from his bag, "Alright so where were we"
Taekwoon slightly smiled, remembering yesterday
Then returned to his bold expression
"You have to practice your monologue"
"Ah, right" Hakyeon said, clearing his throat

"Why must life be this way, so cruel and emp-" He yawned
"Ah sorry"
"So cruel and empty, everything keeps crashing down on me. There's no en-" Hakyeon yawned again.
Taekwoon glanced up from his own script, "You okay?"
Hakyeon smiled awkwardly, "Ah yeah.. I didn't get much sleep"
Taekwoon got up, "I'll go make some coffee, you practice"
Before Hakyeon could complain, Taekwoon was already out the door
Hakyeon yawned again, "Aiish.. So tired. Coffee takes a long time to make right?" He thought aloud
He rested his head on the table, while his arms were folded,
"Just a little nap..five minutes"
Hakyeon ended up falling asleep, his phone next to his him
Taekwoon returned with two mugs of black coffee, "Haakyeon" He called while coming up the stairs
"How's the monolou-" He paused, seeing Hakyeon sleeping
He put the mugs down and knelt beside him, putting a hand on his back, "Hakyeon-ah, you fell asleep?"
Hakyeon's phone went off, it was his mother.

Mom: Hakyeon! I noticed you went to bed pretty late dear. Are you okay?

Mom: Your light went off at 5, were you studying?

Mom: I'm sorry I couldn't say hi, I just quickly came to get some things before leaving.

Mom: I've also noticed you seem more quiet than usual. Please, sweetie tell me what's wrong

Taekwoon picked up the phone, reading all the messages
He felt bad for Hakyeon, and then another message appeared

Mom: I.. I know without Dad you're struggling but I promise I'm doing my best! I love you so much Hakyeon and I'm sorry if I can't say it everyday.

Mom: Oh but good news, they've changed around the meals here! You always complained to the doctors that I should get something else. You're adorable, my little Hakyeon.

Mom: Oh you must be at that Taekwoon's house right now, right? You must be excited to work with him, you sounded excited on the phone.

Mom:  Alright alright I'll stop bothering you, sleep and eat well! I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?

Mom: I love you Hakyeon!

Taekwoon clicked the phone off
A single tear fell down his cheek,

His mother is hospitalized? And his father is gone?

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