I think I love you

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When the final bell rang and school let out, Stiles started getting nervous. He went out to Scott, who was wrapped around Isaac, and gave him the keys to his Jeep, telling his best friend that he had plans.

He then proceeded to walk out the doors. He started walking down the steps when he saw Jackson starting towards him. Before he got close, Derek was by his side, glaring at Jackson and leading Stiles to his car.

As they got in, Stiles started to question things. Why would Derek want to be with him? Why would he ask him out on a date? Surely Derek didn't like him. He was the nerdy one, the one with glasses that always got picked on... he'd have to ask him when they started driving...

Derek got in the car and started it up. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Stiles fidgeting, fingers twitching leg bouncing.

Either he had forgotten to take his Adderall or he was super nervous. Why was Stiles nervous. He was the nervous one. He was taking his crush out on a date, just pizza and maybe if he was lucky a movie... Derek hopes it goes well.


Stiles was too nervous to ask Derek about why he'd ask him on a date on the drive and through eating pizza. Now they were going to see a movie and Stiles was almost getting comfortable around Derek. Of course he was still nervous, but he had stopped fidgeting so much. It was nice, they fit together well. Derek would listen to Stiles ramble on for hours, not getting agitated. He loved to hear the boys voice. Stiles loved that he could make Derek smile and laugh with his rambling. No one has ever loved to listen to his rambling so it was a nice change.

During the movie Derek took Stiles' hand. While Stiles was freaking out on the outside, Derek was freaking out on the inside. Stiles flailed a bit, but finally settled down. Meanwhile, Derek was thinking that he shouldn't have done that, that it was stupid, until Stiles calmed down.

When the movie was finished, they walked outside. Derek saw Stiles start to shiver, seeing as it was October, so he handed him his letterman's jacket. Stiles took it and slipped his arms through. The jacket looked big on him, but Derek liked seeing something of his on Stiles. It showed that Stiles was his and his only.

Derek and Stiles talked on the drive to Stiles' house. When they reached his house, Derek walked Stiles to the door.

"I had fun tonight," Derek said.

"Yeah, me too, thanks for the great date," Stiles replied, beaming.

"So, do you want to do this again?" Derek asked, suddenly nervous.

"Yes! I mean... I would love to do this again," Stiles told Derek.

Stiles was about to give Derek his jacket back when Derek put his hands on Stiles shoulders.

"Keep it, it looks good on you." Derek told him.

"Okay," Stiles said, smiling brightly, eyes sparkling. "Thanks. Um... so you mind if I wear it to school tomorrow?" Stiles asked nervously.

Derek smiled with all of his white bunny teeth. "I would love that!" he replied.

That was when Stiles finally got some nerve. Seeing those cute bunny teeth just made his restraint snap. He wanted to kiss Derek so badly, so he did. He grabbed Derek by the back of the head, pulled him in, and kissed his lips. Derek froze for a second, but he started moving his lips against Stiles', gripping his boyfriend's (?) waist. They only parted because of the need to breathe.

Stiles stared into Derek's multicolored eyes. "That was awesome," he stated.

"Yeah, it was," Derek replied.

Derek looked deep into Stiles' honey-amber eyes.

"I think I love you," Derek stated. He cringed internally, cursing himself for letting that slip out.

Stiles stared at Derek, shocked for a second before responding. "I think I love you too," Stiles replied.

Derek looked him in the eyes for any sign that he was lying. When he didn't find one, he swooped in to kiss Stiles again. This time, he was bolder and used tongue. When they parted, it wasn't for air. It was because Stiles' front door had opened and the sheriff was standing in the doorway.

"Hello Derek, it's good to see you again. I see you found someone for you. I'm glad it was my son. Since freshman year, I could tell you were in love with Stiles. I'm glad you finally found your balls and asked him out."

"Dad! Please stop talking!" Stiles said, hiding his face in Derek's shoulder.

"I'm glad too sir." Derek stated simply. "I'll see you tomorrow Stiles," Derek said, steeling one more kiss before he walked to his car.

"Bye Derek," Stiles replied, blushing from the embarrassment that he thought was his dad.

When they were inside the house, John looked at Stiles. "You really like him, don't you son?" he asked.

"Dad, I don't like him... I think I love him..."

John smiled at that, remembering when he told that to his mother about Claudia, his late wife.

"Get to bed son, it's late and you have school tomorrow."

"Ok dad, I love you" Stiles said, giving his dad a hug before going to bed.

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