Chapter 11

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Y/N's POV.

After the guys left I decided to head back home.

Me- Thank you Nate for helping me.
Nate- Your welcome.
Me- I better go home. Goodnight.
Nate- Yeah you should. Goodnight.

He kissed me on my forehead and hugged me. He whispered 'I'm sorry'. I whispered back 'Stop saying sorry Nate'. I kissed him on his cheek and went back home.

When I got inside I saw my mom in the kitchen.

Me- Mum why are you up at this time? It's midnight.
Her- I woke up to someone screaming. Shit. She heard Alex and Ethan yell. I hope she didn't hear the words they said. She'd freak out if she found out about it.
Me- Oh okay. Goodnight.
Her- Night.

I went in my room and got ready for bed. I had mixed up feelings, scared, confused. Ugh I don't know. I got in my bed and grabbed my phone. I haven't posted on ig for a while now. I did a quick edit of Nate and posted it. I got a lot of likes on it. As I was about to turn off my phone Nate texted me.

Nate😘- Goodnight. I'm sorry for tonight. I will keep you away from Gray.
Me- Goodnight. Thank you. If he apologises I will accepte his apology but I don't know if I will trust him again.
Nate😘- He really fucked up his friendship with you. Asshole.
Me- Nate. Stop it. I won't accept it when you call Gray an asshole. You're still friends. And please don't you and the guys stop talking to Gray. Especially Ethan. He is his bro.
Nate😘 - OK. We won't but if he does something like that again I'll never talk to him. Goodnight bbe ❤
Me- As you wish. Goodnight ❤


Short chapter. This bitch out 🍌🍑😏

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