Chapter 20

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The Next Morning

The smell of cooking bacon woke me up. I looked up and saw Nate sleeping with dry tears on his face. I gave him a kiss on his cheek and got up from the couch, trying not to wake him up but I failed. He pulled me back on him.

Nate- Goodmorning princess.
Me- Goodmorning babe.
Nate- How did you sleep?
Me- I didn't sleep well because of what happened last night.
Nate- Yeah. Me too.
Me- Come on. Let's go in the kitchen with the guys. I said as tapped his thigh.
Nate- Ok. He gave me a kiss and got up and we went into the kitchen.

We saw Alex cooking breakfast and Devin was setting up the table.

I turned on the T.V. and switched it on the news. After a few news Ethan's murder came up. I called the guys to come and see. This is what the news said, ' Famous Ethan Dolan got murdered last night at about midnight. He was at an old farm with his friends Alex Aiono, Nate Garner, Devin Garcia and Nate 's girlfriend Y/N. The person who reported the murder said that Ethan was stabbed on his back a couple of times and on his thro-.'

The T.V. was turned off by Devin.

Devin- I don't want to hear it again.

All of us sat down on the couch. The room was filled with silence until Alex broke it.

Alex- Nate. You do realise you have another problem right?
Everyone looked confused.
Nate- What do you mean?
Alex- The journalist mentionned Y/N as your girlfriend.
Nate- Yeah so?
Alex- Dude. You do realise that there is going to be hate on you and Y/N.
Nate- Shit.... But not everyone is going to hate on us. Plus we will ignore the hate. Right Y/N?

Nate looked at me. Alex words kept ringing in my ear. I turned to Nate.

Me- Yeah. Yeah. We will ignore it.
Nate- Babe what's wrong?
Me- I don't want to be hated on again. I already got hate when I was younger. I don't want it to happen again.
Nate- I got hate too when I was younger. But I got through it. We will go through it. Don't worry babe.
Me- Thanks babe. And I pulled him into a hug.

A few moments later our phones started to blow up with tweets. We were being mentionned in everyone's tweets about Ethan's death. Grayson too. How did they find my user though? We muted our phones and waited until the tweets started to stop. Then we decided to tell Ethan's fans exactly what happened. When we tweeted everyone was saying 'atleast you tried saving Ethan's life' , ' i'm glad you are all okay' . And there was some hate on me and Nate too. They said 'I wish you two died instead of E' and 'E deserved to stay alive not you two'.

Me and Nate looked at each other and signed out of our twitter accounts until the hate stopped. But ofcourse. It didn't. We went on our ig accounts. Nate was recieving comments on his recent ig photo. Hate comments about us. I was being tagged too. But my fan account followers were standing up for me and were commenting nice things about me. People were commenting death treats about me.

Nate decided to sign in back on Twitter and tweet about the hate. He tweeted 'Ok guys this hate has to stop! I can't stay single for my entire life because of my fans. If you are real fans you wouldn't hate on us.' Some of the hate stop but some didn't. Nate looked at me and pulled me towards him. He told me that everything will be okay and kissed my head.

What are they going to do about the rest of the hate?
Keep reading to find out.
This bitch is out 🍌🍑😏

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