Kicked in the balls Part 6

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Miss Shizuki: uhhhhhh

Karma: What

Musa: The

Crest, Aisha: HECK!?!?!?!?!?!?

Techna: those things are here again

Miss Shizuki: they aren't things.

Techna: ok, THAT thing is here.

Tensen: how is that better than what you said last time?

Techna: I dunno. But I feel more accomplished!

Tensen: ugh.

Techna: shut up...............dork.

<Tensen grunts at her>

Techna: grunt all you want but that won't change the fact that you stink

<Tensen got mad and stood up hit Techna on the arm, she turned around with and angry stare. They were so close, they could kiss. Tensen noticed how close they were and moved back, Techna moved front and came up to his face, every one thought they were gonna kiss, but she kicked him in the balls.>

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