BUSTED!?!?! Part 13

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Dedicated to: @Rejoki, pallavinarJiminy-Jim, @Jellybitxch, Wekarta1a2a33_Kaoru_Hitachiin-CuteestgirlWingsFallenStarharmonizer_7_27tejirik29RodeshaSandsxXFairytopiaXxShada06poetswordsRukiaNotKuchikiDenia_be_killingitshyeyaLovecame36Thuggie0814,momoaa(we miss u at school), patheticfallacyLily_hearts5kimeco24call_me_crazy_JiraiyaGoketsuTRINI_CRAFTS_GIRLLithium_Novaruefinas

Shin: I can't do that!

Karma: I knew it.......

<Karma made her way through her friends and started walking to the door, then Shin ran after her, he held her by the waist, he then span her around to face him, then directly kissed her on the mouth.>

Musa, Aisha: OH

Techna, Crest: MY

Lucy, Ken, Dan: GOSH!

<So many people stopped to look at one of the most popular guys in school (Shin), Kissing a really pretty new girl on her FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (and on the mouth)!!!!! Then Shin pulled away>

Shin: we good?

Karma: ...................

Shin: are you okay??

Karma: ...........

Shin: oh no! Please don't tell me this was your first kiss!

<She nodded>

Shin: Oh wow.......

Lucy: It's your first kiss as well isn't it?

Shin: oh wow.........

Dan: No. His first kiss was his ex! Remember??

Ken, Lucy: Oh yeah........

Shin: oh wow..........

Karma: you were my first kiss..............and you will be the second.

Shin: hold on say what now?

<Karma dropped her bag on the ground and kissed him on the mouth, people were still staring. She pulled away then said: "See you in class" as she winked>

Karma: see you in class

<she took her bag, then went inside the building.>

Shin: wait!

<Techna, Musa, Crest and Aisha started to laugh>

Shin: what's so funny?

Techna: you wanna kiss her don't you?

Shin: Shut up!

<The rest of the day went by fast, seeing as Karma and the other girls were two classes ahead of the school, they knew way more then the rest. In Music, Musa seemed to have been made by music as she played 4 different instruments which are: The Keytar, The base, The sax, and the flute. Karma played the guitar, Techna played almost all the instruments, Aisha played the piano and Crest played the base. They then ended the school day in P.E, which was unbelievable as Karma and the others showed their acrobatics, their moves and their exaggerated speed. Techna used her magic and let some of the classes explode (but they were all empty) The board gave the a month off school which was good since they had to start working on the portals that lead to their world and all. They were asked by Shin and the others to come with them to the beach but they lied and said they had to get back home to help their parents>

<At the beach, behind rocks, with no one in sight>

Karma: I feel like I'm gonna be sick!

Aisha: yeah! That..........chicken of theirs was weird tasting!

Crest: Even the name is weird!

Musa: but they seemed happy to eat it and we didn't want to look suspicious.

Techna: check it! This is what a chicken actually looks like before it's killed and cooked.

<Techna showed them a picture of it, it was more like a diagram, seeing is she was using magic to describe it's looks and other features. And they all started commenting on it, but at that same time, Shin and the others came along, and when they got close to the rocks they heard the girl's voices, curious, they went in and watched them with horrified looks>

Karma: ewwwwww

Musa: agreed! This chicken is weird!

Crest: and disgusting

Aisha: eww!

Techna: do you wanna see it's insides????

All the girls except Techna: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Techna: hehehehe

<Musa then gasped as she noticed them hiding behind the rocks>

Musa: wow.......................

The other girls: What?

Musa: Busted

TO BE CONTINUED.............................

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