What's up hot stuff? Part 10

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Dedicated to my two new AWESOME followers: pallavinar!!!!! and Jiminy-Jim!!!!!

Shin: O........................

Ken: M.........................

Dan: G..........................

Lucy:  one of you just couldn't say the whole damn thing could ya?

<They all stared at her with a 'seriously?' look?

Shin: oh wow.............................I....................look...............................TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!!!!

Ken: true, true

Dan: what's up hot stuff?

Lucy: cute if I may say so myself.

This was his reflection in the mirror:

This was his reflection in the mirror:

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Lucy: ok, I lied. TOTAL AWESOMENESS!!!!!

Shin: I look.................so.........................unbelie-

<at this same instant Shin fell to the ground unconscious>

<In the magic world>

Techna: So, we know that this human.........isn't human.........

Karma: and that he has white cat ears.....

Crest: Adorable white cat ears.

<Tensen just gave her a weird look. Then, a white light appeared from the sky, then, Shin appeared again.>

Aisha: Oh my!

Tensen: Seriously?!?

Musa: are you alright?

Shin: I wish I could answer you but I'm too busy staring at the flame hanging near miss Shizuki.

Karma, Musa: huh?

Miss Shizuki: huh?? AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Tensen ran to the school and got a fire extinguisher and used it on her>

Shin: now I should ask if you're alright. So, are you alright?

Miss Shizuki: haha.

<Karma stared at shin for a while then she shook her head then whispered "It can't be">

Karma: No.................It can't be.

Shin: Can't be what?

Karma: hum? Nothing special. Umm you have nice ears.

Shin: huh? Oh yeah they're nice.................I like them...............I guess.

Techna: so um...............Shin!?

Shin: yeah?

Techna: can you give me the name of the country, city, and place you live in?

Shin: oh um.................Japan, Okinawa, and I live in a dorm with my friends. We go to Macaroon.

Musa: Macaroon??????

Aisha: so you go to a macaroon to study?!?

Shin: what? No!

Crest: oh I get it! You go to a macaroon shaped building to study! Is that it??

Techna: Maybe he was trying to say that he wants macaroons.

Tensen: true, true.

Karma: Or........maybe he was trying to say that the name of his school his macaroon.


Everyone else: oh............

Shin: you're pretty cute.

<Karma stared at him like ".............uhhhhh............">

<Then Techna got closer to Karma and whispered "He likes you."

Techna: He likes you.

Karma: Seriously!?

<Techna nods>

Karma: Oh........um............you're cute too.

<Shin blushed>

Shin: um thanks.

<Then he fainted again, then disappeared>

Karma: I think I'm in love!

Everybody: HUH?!?!?!?

TO BECONTINUED..........................    

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