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Urgh! Waking up to the worst headache in the world is horrible. But what's even worst is waking up and not remembering a single thing.

I rolled over to my side and begun to put my feet on the ground only to put them on Noah.

"Ow!" He groaned.

"Sorry," I mockingly whined, "Urm... Why are you in my room?" I questioned.

Immediately, all the colour drained from his face as if he'd seen a ghost.

"Lex... How much of yesterday night do you remember?" He cautiously asked.

"Nothing. I passed out," I said confusion clear in my tone.

"Yeah, you did for like an hour but then you started acting and saying all kind of weird stuff," Noah explained.

"Stop it! Please tell me you're joking!" I pleaded. Lord knows what I stupidly said.

"I'm not kidding Lex. What you were saying; no actually what you were confessing to me was definitely things you'd never tell me sober. To be honest I like you all drugged up, you were more honest to me last night then in the past 2 years," He smiled.

"Where is everyone?" I asked diverting the subject.

"Jace is at the gym releasing some of his pent-up anger about what happened to you last night and Kyle was going to wait for you to wake up but I told him to go home," He said getting up from the floor and walking to the door.

"And why did you do that?" I asked following after him.

"Last night everyone was worried about you but Kyle just blamed himself," He told me whilst pouring him and me some orange juice.

"Excuse me? He must know it wasn't his fault, right?" I questioned.

"Well I kept telling him that but clearly he didn't believe me. Maybe he'll believe you. He said he'd come back here when he wakes up, which will probably be soon now I think about it," He furrowed his eyebrows.

"I know I'm going to regret asking this... But what exactly happened last night then?" I sighed dreading the answer.

"Me and Jace came outside to see Kyle struggling to put you upright in the backseat so I helped him whilst Jace punched the outside walls of the house. For most of the car ride you were still out cold but when I carried you inside you started to wake up... Something along the lines of 'my knight in shining armour' I do believe," He chuckles at my evident embarrassment.

"For real?" I groan out.

"Yeah. Anyways you passed back out when I put you in your bed so then we all went downstairs to try work out what exactly happened but because Kyle was so depressing I sent him home and he told me he'd come round today to check on you. Me and Jace stayed awake as long as we could incase you woke up and needed help but eventually Jace just fell asleep," He continued.

I laughed imagining my lazy brother trying to stay awake.

"At about 5am, I went up to your room to just check up on you but you woke up from the door opening so then you just started talking to me. It was a bit random to begin with but then you got quite deep and truthful on me," He laughed.

"How'd you mean?" I asked.

"Well I think at one point you were talking about jelly beans and the next about us kissing," He replied, side glancing my flaring hot red face.

"I didn't," I wished, slamming my head on the countertop.

"Oh but you did," He chuckled, "Not just the first one though. No, you talked about all three times," He raised his eyebrows mockingly.

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