Chapter Nine

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Sherlock saw John start to panic. By God, he hid it well, but not well enough for Sherlock to miss it. And, just because this was John. Because he had been to war, to Hell and back and the fact that he was actually scared of Sebastian...made Sherlock feel a little sick.

Sebastian walked over to John and Sherlock, pulling a wheely chair out from behind some boxes. He smiled all the way through his acts. He sat himself beside the two and sighed a happy sigh. ''It really has been too long, hasn't it?''

''I think I could've waited longer.'' John replied coolly, glaring at Sebastian.

''Ah-ah-ah, John.'' Sebastian tutted. ''You know what happens when you're bold. Would you like to go through that again?''

Sherlock saw the little colour in John's face drain away. He clamped his lips together and didn't answer Sebastian.

Next, Sebastian turned to Sherlock, his smile growing. ''And, would you look at this! You're alive! You're bloody alive! How did you do that? And, how did I not know about it until a year ago?''

Sherlock glowered at Sebastian. ''I made sure my return wasn't publicised. I had had enough time in the lime light, don't you think?''

Sebastian frowned and leaned back in his chair. ''There's something about you, Sherlock. Something different.'' He sighed irritably and turned to John. ''I mean, I know I'm not as smart as him! Who is?'' He gestured towards Sherlock. ''But, something is different about him. I can tell. Can't you, John?''

John remained silent, his eyes cold. Sebastian rolled his eyes. ''You know, don't you? You know something's changed, but you wont talk about it. You big chicken!''

John raised an eyebrow at the childish taunt being thrown his yeah, but still stayed quiet. Sebastian clapped his hands together. ''Alright! Awkward silence! Don't worry. My man servant will be here in a second with a bucket full of hot coal so I can burn yous too.''

John's eyes widened a considerable amount and he looked at Sherlock. Sherlock shook his head slightly, not seeing a way out of any of this. He couldn't undo the ropes binding him to the chair, and he knew so little about Sebastian. He had nothing to tease him with...apart from...

''So, how is this man servant? I bet he's a different man to work with, compared to Jim.''

Sebastian's eyes turned to slits and leaned forward in his chair, looking into Sherlock's eyes. ''You dare speak of him?''

Sherlock shrugged like he couldn't have cared less. ''Yeah, I dare. Isn't that why we're here, anyway? For you to get your revenge on his death which wasn't actually my fault, but you're still going to blame me. I get why you're doing it. Killing me will make you feel you have avenged-''

''Kill you?'' Sebastian asked, obviously thrown.

Sherlock nodded slowly. ''Obviously.''

Sebastian rolled his eyes and shook his head at Sherlock. He looked disappointed. ''I thought you were supposed to be clever. By God, something has changed with you! What's clouding your judgment, Sherlock?''

Sherlock  replied with a glare. ''What are you talking about?''

''I'm not going to kill you. Why would I kill you?'' Sebastian asked, chewing on his bottom lip. ''No, I want you to suffer. I want to kill John.''

Sherlock felt his insides go cold. ''No.'' He uttered, barely audible. 

Sebastian smirked and cocked his head to the side. ''Didn't hear that, Sherlock. Do speak up, would you?''

Sherlock glanced at John, who was staring at him with wide eyes. He looked truly terrified...but, there was something else. What was that? Sherlock turned back to Sebastian. 

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