Chapter 4

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             Paige stomped down the path, glowering at the nodding tulip heads she passed. Breakfast with Valerie had gotten them into another fight about her having guards. She’d have let that slide but then she’d tried to saddle her with Bayon, who was not only annoying but was also one of her sister’s spies. She’d been able to use his training as an excuse and bolted before Valerie had tried to stick anyone else on her.

            It was another bright day, only different from the day before because a few fluffy white clouds had moved in during the night. The sound of birds trilling nearby lightened her expression though anyone who saw her would still agree she was scowling.

            Under the thick wall that surrounded the garden she went, going half-blind in the darkness. Blinking at the renewed brightness, Paige looked towards the fountain and squealed. Before Axton could do more than turn himself around, she was racing towards him, her brown braid slapping against her back.

            She stopped just in front of him, grinning, but by the expression on his face, she guess he’d been suspecting her of jump on top of her. That made her laugh. “Good morning! How are you? Did you sleep well?”

            “I am content. And yes, I slept well. How are you, my-”

'           She gave him a dirty look for a moment and he finished lamely with “Paige.”

            “I’m good. Now let’s go! I wouldn’t put it past my sister to find someone else to follow to come out here herself,” she replied, grabbing his hand and setting off. His eyes went wide for a moment then he smiled, letting her take the lead on their expedition.

            Down one of the hundreds of pink stone paths that crisscrossed the palace grounds they went, passing only a handful of people. Paige headed straight towards the trees, pulling Axton with her into the cool greenness. She walked with her eyes darting this way and that, first following a bird’s flight, then glancing up at the shifting leaves overhead, then staring at a patch of white flowers in a lone sunbeam. He watched her, smiling at the open delight that played across her face.

            Through the woods they walked, not stopping until they reached the high pink wall that surrounded the palace. Paige made a face at its smooth expanse then looked both ways, finally spotting what she wanted. Grinning, she ran over to the huge maple, its lowest branches the same size as many of the surrounding trees’ trunks. Only when she was in front of it did she release Axton’s hand and grab onto the nearest branch.

            He stared as she hauled herself onto it. “My…Paige, what are you doing?”

            When she was settled with her legs wrapped around the tree, she glanced back. “Climbing the tree of course.”

            “What if you were to fall?” He called, watching as she straightened and grabbed the next branch.

            “I haven’t fallen out of a tree since I was seven. And even then I never hit the ground so it barely even counts. I’ll be fine, okay? Now c’mon up here and join me,” she replied as she pulled herself up another branch, the rough bark making her skin twinge a bit. It made her miss her childhood callouses.

            “But you are in a dress,” Axton said, the blush creeping into his face a match for the slightly scandalized tone he was using.

            She looked down at him then hiked up her skirts to the knee, making him go redder and look away. She smiled. “I’m wearing pants, silly. I wouldn’t be climbing this in a dress otherwise.”

            He squinted up at her, as if only seeing part of Paige would make it better. He opened his eyes all the way when he noticed the tight black pants covering her legs to the ankles. “Are you certain you will be safe?”

            “You need to relax. If you’re that worried, come up here with me. Either way, I’m climbing higher,” she told him, sticking her tongue out and grinning. Then she reached up for the next branch.

            He looked around for help but saw nothing but empty forest. He watched her climb another branch higher and sighed, reaching for the nearest grip. He didn’t catch up to her until she was as high as she felt they could both safely go, far enough up to be able to see the tops of other trees but not high enough to see beyond the wall.

            Paige frowned, considering the branches nearest her. Her eyes lit on one of the thicker ones that snaked forward, its leaves hanging down onto the wall’s walkway. She grinned at Axton, who’d been steadily shifting neared, his progress occasionally slowed by weak or damaged limbs.

            Even having known her for only a matter of hours, he still knew that that smile promised mischief. He opened his mouth to stop her, but she was already shimmying along the branch, not stopping until she could drop down onto the walkway. Only when both her feet were firmly planted did she turn around and wave him forward. He stared at the branch he’d watch bounce crazily under her weight and then back at her.

She waved harder. He shook his head. She shrugged, pointed at herself and then pointed down the walkway. He looked at the branch, back at her, then sighed and gritted his teeth. He tried his best to ignore the jarring movements of the branch as he slid along it, his legs pressing so hard against each side he was surprised it hadn’t snapped yet. When his feet were finally against the blessedly firm stone, he frowned at her, eyebrows contracted over his eyes.

Paige grinned. “You were being silly. It was perfectly safe. Besides, the view is so much better here,” she replied pointing.

            Spreading out below the walls, a much farther distance down on the other side, the city lay there, glistening in the early morning light. Nearest them was the cobbled street that led to the nobles’ homes, those who didn’t live in the palace, each a giant reminder of the owners’ wealth, heritage, and lineage. Farther along the houses became gradually smaller, the green expanses surrounding them shrinking, while the shops began springing up. Paige liked the tall, square building that she thought might be a clock tower. She thought if it wasn’t already, she should suggest to Valerie they make it one. Or at least put a bell in it.

            Axton followed the roads with his eyes, noting the hemmed in places an enemy could be met, and nodding to where repairs had include extra fortification on walls. With so many dead during the Godmother war, people were taking their safety seriously again. He glanced at Paige and saw her grinning again. He followed her gaze and thought she was looking at the widest of the bridges over the eastern river. He leaned forward and saw the brightly coloured awnings of the portable shops people put up. The way she kept looking, he’d bet she’d be over there in an instant if she could.

            “What are you doing up here?”

            The voice behind them made them both start and jerk around. Glaring at them as he dropped a hand to his belt was a man in the almost black green of the Palace Guard. His eyes narrowed as he took in their dishevelled, twig covered appearances. “Who are you? Who gave you permission to be up here?”

            Paige smiled at him, while her hand closed on Axton’s. Before either could react, she yelled “Run” and took off, dragging her partner for a few steps before he got into running form himself.

            They heard the man’s shouts, but rising over them was Paige’s laughter. Axton shook his head though a smile still teased the edges of his lips. “You seem to spend a fair amount of time running.”

            She grinned back. “It’s not my fault they make all the fun things against the rules.”

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