Chapter 16

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            She flew down the pink path, past bright flowers, dancing butterflies, and fat bumblebees. Her hair streamed out behind her in a brown banner, the yellow of her skirt flapping around her legs as she ran. The grin on her face was a match for the sun shining overhead for sheer brightness, laughter bubbling up in her throat as she sped past two groups of staring courtiers.

            The sound of her boots slapping against the stone of the path echoed loudly as she passed through the arch. She slowed for a second as she entered the garden, the soft sound of flowing water mixing with the birdsong overhead. Then she saw him standing there, only just turning towards her and she let out a shout and raced forward.

            Paige threw herself at Axton, wrapping her arms around his neck, laughing and squeezing him tight. He froze, arms out to the sides, staring down at her. She pulled her face out of his chest to grin up at him, eyes bright and shining. “I missed you.”

            He met her eyes and a moment later a smile spread across his face. He slid his arms around her and hugged her back, whispering “I missed you as well.”

            She leaned into his arms for a moment, sighing as she enjoyed the feeling of his arms around her. Then she was pushing herself away and putting both of her hands on his shoulders, shoving him down onto the lip of the fountain. He stumbled and she tripped on top of him. They wobbled for a moment and there was a second where she thought they were both going in, but they managed to save themselves.

            Giggling, she pulled her face and one off his shoulders, releasing her grip on the stone ledge with her other hand. He waited until she was firmly on her feet before letting go of her waist and pushing himself forward enough he was no longer in danger of falling backwards.

            Noses only inches from each other, their eyes met and all either of them could hear was the pounding of their own heart in their ears. Paige broke the tableau first, jumping back and swirling around until she could drop onto the fountain beside him. She propped her chin on her hand, her elbow balanced on her knee as she looked at him. “Tell me everything you’ve been doing.”

            He smiled and shook his head. “There is nothing I have been doing that would interest you. Only training and reading. How have you-Ah!” he said, face heating up as he finished, eyes locked on her wrist.

            She saw where his gaze was and felt her cheeks go pink as she held out her wrist. “I love it. Thank you,” she said, showing him where the bracelet he’d given her hung proudly on her arm.

            His smiled widened and brightened. “I am most glad. I had not been certain that…You are welcome.”

            She sighed. “I only hope you like this as much,” she said, pulling a small wrapped box out of the side of her boot where she normally kept a knife. She handed it to him, giggling at the wide-eyed look he was wearing. “I’d already picked it before Christmas. And if I’d had some way to get it to you, I’d have sent it. But my sister went nuts when she found out we’d been sort of meeting and kept a close watch on Darren.”

            Axton took it hesitantly, lips twitching. “His majesty has been most helpful. He is a good man. Thank you. I…thank you.”

            Paige laughed. “Don’t thank me when you don’t even know what it is. You might end up hating it. Sorry it’s five months late.”

            He smiled. “Thank you,” he repeated, sliding one finger under the fold, carefully unwrapping the gift. He pulled the candy cane stripe paper off and slowly opened the little cloth and wood box to reveal a watch. It was a highly polished steel, the clock face and hands were the same metal with the numbers picked out in black. Axton stared down at it, watching the second hand tick slowly around.

            She watched his face carefully, brow furrowed. “If you don’t like it I can probably still exchange it. I’ve got the receipt. I just thought it’d be…well since we meet at odd times I thought it might make things easier. And I know you get really busy with thing and I thought that it might help you keep your schedule better. Not that you’ve been doing badly, just-”

            Axton cut her off by grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it, eyes on her. She flushed and he smiled. “Thank you. Well and truly, thank you. It is wonderful. I would not trade it for all the gold in the palace.”

            The pink colour on her cheeks deepened to almost red though a smile lit up her face. “I’m glad you like it.” When his eyes stayed on her, she ducked her head for a moment, hiding behind her hair. Then she flipped her head back and grinned at him, holding out her hand. “If you give it to me I can help you put it on.”

            He nodded and passed her the box. She flipped her hand around to seize the wrist that was holding the hand he’d kissed. She leaned in close, taking time to make she adjusted the watch to fit perfectly, trying not to focus too much on how close he was. It was making her nervous, which annoyed her. She didn’t want to feel nervous around Axton. “You’ve gotten taller,” she said, eyes on her hands as she snapped the watch shut.

            “So have you. Your hair is longer as well. Have you been well?” He asked, looking at the top of her head.

            She nodded. “Yeah. I was able to make some new friends, ones who aren’t backstabbers and manwhores, and I joined the cheerleading team. I’m sorry you got found out.”

            He shook his head and used a finger to pull her chin up so theirs eyes met. “It is not your fault. I was not careful. Shall we dispense with the apologies and talk of happier things?”

            Paige stared at him for a minute then grinned. “Sounds good to me. Oh! And I still have to go to school during the week but I’m allowed to visit any time. Though my sister says she still reserves the right to send me home if it ever gets too dangerous.”

            Axton bowed his head. “That is a good policy.”

            She wrinkled her nose. “It is not. Now,” she said, standing, twirling around and grabbing his hand. “Let’s go exploring!”

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